[h3]Bride[/h3] Bride felt a little lone after the janitor left, of course he was a new student and he would not know anyone at all there. He still felt like he was being watched by the guys who were checking him out earlier. He did not want to have the same situation that happened to him before at his old school.... luckily there was a teacher that stop them from it getting worse. he shook his head trying to refrain himself to remembering that. Bride stood up and walked off trying to avoid them, its a new start no need for things to repeat. As he was walking he couldn't help but to help to feel like it was his fault for being hit on a lot, he looked like a girl, he was frail and weak...an easy target. "Maybe I-I should cut m-my hair..." He though to to himself, trying to think ways to avoid of anything of that to happen again. Wearing pants seems like an okay solution but most pants didn't fit him, girls jeans could only fit him that could make things worst probably. While thinking he accidentally bumped into a person (Andre) who was talking to another person. He though being weak and the smallest thing can bring him down fell on the ground and hit his butt really hard on the ground. "Augh!" Bride shouted in pain but he slowly recovered and looked at the person he bumped into. A bright blush came in as he messed up. "AAhh...S-sor-rry! I d-didnt mean t-too.." [h3]Iyo[/h3] (Sorry...>///<) [@Little_ninja] Iyo waited there but did some stretching as he was getting ready for his performance. He worked really hard for it, practised a lot and skip some of his gym antic club time just to practice. Coach was not happy about that at all and sometimes he had to clean the whole gymnasium for cutting classes but he loved to perform. Usually Iyo would perform with Hana but when he checked he was not there....he though that he left with his Yankee club. He hated that club since it caused a lot of trouble for him and Hana. being twins and all they get mixed yup and had to fight his brothers battles. He would lose usually since he was not a fighter but he is learning to fight incase of it though. He waited for the group to finish, excited for his performance.