Today's Who's Who... _________ MASTERS AND SERVANTS hatakekuro's Musashi Miyamoto (Saber) - Raijinslayer's Charles Dorvain Hebigami Shiho's Guan Yu (Lancer) - TwilightDragon's Akane Inukai Flamelord's Samuel Colt (Archer) - Constantine's Louise Evangeline Kotomi mcpop9's Tomoe Gozen (Berserker) - PaulHayneck's Eddie Cage Constantine's Marie-Anne Charlotte de Corday d'Armont (Assassin) - Gamerdude369's Jacob Millford Nisemono's Huangdi (Caster) - YandereClock's Dr. Fumio Nakahara TwilightDragon's Genghis Khan (Rider) - Nisemono's Sinia Dagda Raijinslayer's Nidhogg (Beast) - Kaithas' Thomas Joren _________ ALIGNMENTS (I'm basing off the personalities) [u]Da Good Guys[/u] Flamelord's Samuel Colt (Archer) - Constantine's Louise Evangeline Kotomi Hebigami Shiho's Guan Yu (Lancer) - TwilightDragon's Akane Inukai mcpop9's Tomoe Gozen (Berserker) - PaulHayneck's Eddie Cage TwilightDragon's Genghis Khan (Rider) - Nisemono's Sinia Dagda [u]Da Sort of Good Guys[/u] Constantine's Marie-Anne Charlotte de Corday d'Armont (Assassin) - Gamerdude369's Jacob Millford hatakekuro's Musashi Miyamoto (Saber) - Raijinslayer's Charles Dorvain [u]Da Bad Guys[/u] Raijinslayer's Nidhogg (Beast) - Kaithas' Thomas Joren Nisemono's Huangdi (Caster) - YandereClock's Dr. Fumio Nakahara __________ RELICS Saber: A bokken (wooden sword) Musashi used in many duels Assassin: blood stained shard of a guillotine blade Archer: a really old bullet (from one of his demonstration) Rider: piece of his fur lining from his armor Berserker: Tomoe Gozen's sheathe __________ Okay, I'm on my way to being a good co-GM again. Is the conflict between the players going to be enough to keep the RP or do they need a push in getting that Grail? 'Cause I have a guy in mind to throw in to keep everybody on their toes.