The Siren blasted, causing Nathaniel to retort backwards in shock at the sudden noise, before the text appeared on the monitor before him, [i]Team 3 disqualified, but why?[/i] Nathan thought. his eyes then focused on movement coming from his left, as a Kirigakure ninja moved in front of the entrance. The Ninja introduced himself as Houzuki Shingetsu, and he was exceptionally enthusiastic about the whole thing. Nathaniel liked enthusiasm but he didn't like over enthusiasm as it showed a lack of a backup plan which is never a good thing. eventually Nathaniel began to open his mouth to speak [color=00aeef]"My name is... Nathaniel Moyasu, I come from Kumogakure, I hope we succeed"[/color] Nathaniel then went back to being silent, he didn't like talking to people he hardly knew. in fact he didn't like talking to people at all, he had mission to do.