This was just too much. Two of their number had already perished, and now the rest of them would undoubtly meet the same fate. There were ten more bandits approaching them. Ten. Eleven if you added the hulking chief, but he did not count. He was more beast than bandit. Arielle had thought they were in a tight spot before. She would have to reassess that statement. But she would not go down without a fight. The question was what she could do to help their situation. Levitating would be a bad idea. She would become a floating pincushion before she got ten feet. Calming one or some of the bandits could help, but it was not probable that it would do much good. It had to be a direct assault then. Try to deal some damage. Too bad she had never been interested in the collage of destruction. Then again, an indirect assault could work just as well. Waiting for the melee fighters to detach themselves from their archers she prepared the spell which would summon a flame atronach. When the fighters had covered enough distance she released the built up magicka and focused on a spot close to the unsuspecting bowmen. Her plan had the anticipated effect; the first archer had no time to react as the fiery being appeared out of thin air and set him on fire with a supeheated ball of flame. With no one of their comrades left to defend them in close quarters the remaining archers scrambled for cover as the daedra gave chase. That left the six charging bulls, but that was not Arielles forte. Her companions would have to deal with them. She retreated behind one of the thick gate doors and awaited what came next.