Jack was more eager to find Mysterion now that his book was glowing. He could sense that Mysterion is in trouble, and that help was needed. Jack ran out of the coffee shop and into the streets continuing to run down the road where he left off. As if by complete luck, he saw a bus stop. There, about to get hit by 3 of that mamodo's spell was Mysterion. Jack scanned the page and found the spell he was looking for. "Shamaroo!" He screamed at the top of his lungs. He did not stop running until he caught up with Mysterion. [i]Mysterion heard one of his spells being read aloud, and glanced to the side, and in surprise, he saw Jack. He felt energy come to him and knew what to do. He threw up his arms and a wall of black smoke appeared. One of the orbs got through before the shield wall came up, and smacked Mysterion straight on his chest, throwing him back. The shield caught the other two with a boom. He stumbled backward rolling along the ground, the force of that one orb incredibly strong. He staggered to his feet, actually annoyed, knowing what would have happened if he got hit with all three of the orbs.[/i] Jack heaved in air as he struggled to regain his breath. He was very curious as to why Mysterion just left, but that could wait for another time. He found the spell that could possibly keep them alive, the third spell. Jack, after regaining his breath yelled "Darkie!" He hoped this would do something useful. [i]Mysterion held out his cloaked hands and whipped them forward, 4 orbs of dark energy screaming forward toward Sev. Mysterion knew that this might be blocked or dodged. Even if it is not, they are not going to go down that easily, even with the third spell. Mysterion ran toward them ready to grab that book right after the explosion of the spell.[/i]