Agni listened to all that she spoke and almost couldn't believe on what she had said. Saving the universe? Disorders? What is this? For him, it was becoming a story like Dissidia Final Fantasy, but with more things than just a single world to save and id didn't seemed like a conflict created by gods. Still, the puzzle in his head was big. Fine, it was true that she was another type of being and she seemed powerful enough, but what if this thing got complicated enough? Other than that, what it would be of his sister? How many days would he pass on this task that was being requested and he seemingly couldn't refuse and leave? Then, when the wings from On The First Day shined, he saw many things passing all at once. All the universes were familiar to him. Of course, some of them were new, but it wasn't nothing out of what he knew. The many figures that he watched going on and on... made him think deeply about this. After all, he had his own wishes other than just responsibilities. But he never thought about something like that. [b][i]BGM:[/i][/b] [i][url=]The Piano for Agni[/url][/i] [color=92278f]"... So be it... if I have no choice other than doing this, what even."[/color], he said. No matter what he was feeling, if you analyze the situation logically, he had only two choices: to accept and to accept. However, something he had to point out with her. [color=92278f]"However, I have one thing to ask you. And I'll do that when we have a space and time to talk between each other, without any people near us."[/color], he said. After that, Agni left a single sigh and awaited for what she had to add.