[quote] Currently, anyone who has not previously posted in the interest check or contacted me via PMs cannot join the RP right now. However, if you want to join the roleplay, drop me a PM and when the next wave of characters are allowed in(along with the release of new races), I will contact you and your spot will be reserved.[/quote] The RP is always accepting new members, but at this point you won't be part of the first wave of characters joining, so you'll need to wait awhile to actually get a character in. All you gotta do is drop a PM in my PM box, and I'll contact you when the second wave of characters are added in. This is mostly to ensure that we can add new characters as the RP progress', but in a way that doesn't feel like they were just "inserted" into the plot and RP at a random point in time. So I'd like to ensure new characters join the RP in large plot relevant waves, not in a trickle. [hr] I'll be sending out what needs edited and the lore information to relevant people today. Be ready for it.