[centre] [h3][color=c4df9b]Ramses Q. Reinholdt[/color][/h3] Clink. Ramses scowled. Another one? Or was the bastard coming back, gun in tow, ready to cap a Galbadian just because Timber independence or some other bullshit? Clink. Ramses pulled up the rifle once more and took cover behind a box. He wouldn’t let the fool go a second him. Two in the chest, then get rid of it. That’s all he had to do. His finger lingered just off of the trigger. He was quick. All he needed was to see that damn hoodie and it would be over. Clink. It was getting louder. Ramses tightened, ready fo- It wasn’t the man. It was a SeeD. Ramses lowered his gun instantly. Relief flooded him, but he took care not to show it. “Why haven’t you been answering your comms…?” the voice carried, not a single syllable higher than any other. Ramses recognized the man, but could hardly recall the name. They were both Balamb SeeD, he knew that much. It was something with a ‘Z’... Wait. Comms? Ramses pulled off his helmet and gazed into it. The built in comm was on? Wait. Shit. He had it on, but it wasn’t yet tuned to the right frequency. What irresponsible son of a… Oh yeah. That was his responsibility. Another fuck up. Ramses scowled despite himself. That could have been terrible. Would have been terrible. He had been on the verge of calling back to base. He wasn’t sure what frequency the comm had been on, but if any Galbadian had been listening to it… “Put out that forsaken cigarette.” the monotonous man lectured. He continued on, going on about sight. Ramses stunned for a moment. Not much of a people person, this one, eh? Ramses laughed. Not at the guy, but just in general. He was about to speak, a witty retort to the cigarette comment when the guy spoke again. “To the main topic at hand, it’s time to evac. Let’s get going, I’ve heard spiders are ample this time of year.” A shudder shot through Ramses. This guy must have seen his file or something. Spiders. Ugh. He hated the damn things. Too small to sense, too quick to shoot. What good were they anyway? And...didn’t he say they were to evac? Leave? There’s no way. Why would they...He must have misheard the guy. Not that he could clear up the confusion though. The SeeD had already turned to leave. Ramses noticed that he seemed to be deliberately choosing his steps. Retracing his path? Not a bad idea but… Ramses checked the helmet again, tuning it to the right frequency. Nobody was going to hear about this one. No. One. He placed it back on his head, grabbed his rifle, took a last drag on his cigarette and tossed it. He hit the comm button, causing it come to life. All of a sudden, he was hit with excited chatter. His eyes widened. It was the away team. They were receiving information but...Holy shit, they actually did it. Evac...the guy was referring to this, then? Ramses shook his head and hurried up, heading back to base. His tracks would be fine. He was wearing ‘Bad boots. Around here, that was as natural as the birds. He caught up with the SeeD, but didn’t say anything. His head was swimming. They actually did it. They actually did it. THEY ACTUALLY DID IT. This...this was… This wasn’t just a pipe dream. They had actually did it. They could actually do this thing. WE could actually do this thing. Watch out Deling...we’re coming for you. [/centre]