The sound of the siren made Zee jump a bit. She was trying to seem aloof and cool, but even her couldn't help but seem surprised at the sudden noise. She took a deep breath to try and calm herself down, before turning her cold eyes to see everyone in her own team. There were 2 kirigakure ninja, one sunagakure ninja and another kumogakure ninja aside from herself. She recognized the guy, but only by name. Zee stood there, with her arms crossed over her chest, hearing what everyone had to say. She heard the first guy introducing himself as Houzuki Shingetsu, and then the next one, Nathaniel, though he didn't seem to be in the mood for talking like, at all. As so, Zee took this as her opportunity to introduce herself. [B]"My name's Zee. Ikazuchi Zee. It's a pleasure to meet you all."[/B] Zee said, bowing a bit to show them if even a little bit of respect. [B]"I also come from Kumogakure. I expect us to be the winning team, though, so be ready to give it your everything."[/B] She said, breaking the silence she had been in for a while now. She then turned her eyes to the clock in the wall. 4 minutes and something till they had to go out, huh? It should be interesting, seeing how other ninjas from other villages fight.