[i]June 14 2013[/i] Theodore Douglas was content with life. He had a family - A beautiful wife whom he adored more than anything - and two children - A girl aged 3 and a boy aged 1. He had a nice house in the countryside, big enough to house 4 full-size families. And he had money. Enough to last a few lifetimes, in fact. Today was the families' first holiday. Theo was driving them to the nearest airport, him and his wife in the front of the car, the two kids in the back. The kids were urging him to drive faster; they loved being in their Dad's car. His wife wasn't so sure about it, after all he was already going 70mph and they were approaching a tight bend, but she had faith in his driving. Theo flashed her a quick smile of reassurance before pressing down the accelerate peddle further. The kids cheered with joy, clapping like seals in the back. His wife was shaking her head and looked concerned. Theo took his eyes off the road to look at his wife. God, she was beautiful. She glanced at him for a second or two, before her eyes darted towards the windscreen. She looked terrified. Theo barely had time to turn his head to see what she was looking at. Driving towards them was a large HGV, horns blaring and headlights flashing. A scream had barely reached his wife's lips before the lorry hit the bonnet of the car. Everything suddenly seemed to slow down. Theo saw the two kids lurch forward in the rear view mirror, the two screaming louder than ever. To his right he could see his wife hurtling towards the windscreen, an ear piercing scream projecting from her mouth. There was nothing he could do. The airbag shot forward faster than a bullet, muffling his screams. [i]January 10th 2015[/i] Theo woke up in a cold sweat, his breathing uneven and his heart beating rapidly against his chest. He brought a hand to his face and wiped the sweat from his forehead. He released a single tear, letting it roll down his cheek. "Fuck..." He muttered under his breath. Glancing to his right, the numbers 06:00 glared at him in a threatening red light. 6 O'clock? It was early, but there was no way he could get back to sleep now. Theo pushed himself out of bed, looking around the apartment. He still wasn't used to it, despite living there for over a year. He took a slow walk to his bathroom, rubbing his eyes as he walked. Leaning over the sink, Theo took a long, hard look in the mirror. He was a mess; his face was bright red, his hair was disheveled and he needed a shave. He quickly slapped water on his face and grabbed a comb and some gel. After styling his hair in an 'acceptable' fashion, he dressed himself in a casual, grey suit. The time was now 6:30, which Theo considered an adequate time to get a coffee. He threw on some shoes and walked out the apartment, locking the door behind him. Not that he cared if someone broke in. In fact, with Theo's luck, someone probably would. It was a typical Winter's morning; the sky was a dark grey and the wind was chilly. Luckily, it wasn't raining yet. Theo took a slow stroll down the street to the café he had spent every morning in since he had first moved in. Approaching the front door, he noticed the windows had steamed up due to the heat inside. He walked in, the door making that familiar *ding* as it opened. He could already tell today was going to be exactly the same as any other day since... There was nothing that could happen to make him smile, at least not genuinley. He'd already lost everything that brought any real joy to him.