Pale green eyes widened when a siren sounded loudly through the area. Haruhi had just in that moment widened her mouth and yawned, then was startled when she thought the sound came from her mouth. After noticing that it did not, in fact, come from her loud mouth, she groaned audibly and sat down on the ground with little to no grace at all. She wiped a growing band of sweat from her head that was the result of the relentless heat of the sun beating down on the five man team. Her eyes trained on her colleague Houzuki when he decided to introduce himself in his usual cheerful manner. Of all people to have been sent with her from the Mist, she was happy their Mizukage picked someone with personality. Really that was not something everyone in Kirigakure had. At least, not one that Haru wanted to be around. In the least, despite Haruhi feeling a bit like the Mizukage didn't trust her to go alone, she respected the fact that Houzuki wasn't annoying or anything with his cheer. Wincing when she realized she was sitting on a good portion of her impossibly long hair, Haruhi grabbed it and started to comb through her honey blonde locks as some others started to speak in introduction. The first was a man who was either antisocial or adorably shy, who introduced himself as Nathaniel. The other, Zee, a pretty girl who was also from Kumogakure that was sporting the traditional tanned skin color of many people of that region. The two seemed nice enough, and both were confident the team was going to have a win. Haruhi grinned. Of course they were going to win; Haruhi was on the team. She didn't say that aloud, however, in fear of getting the evil eye from Shingetsu. The guy was definitely scary when he was mad about something. She couldn't keep all of her smart mouthed comments however, not spoken, so she too decided to introduce herself once they fell into a short silence. [Color=PaleGreen]"My names Haruhi Hikari. I'm from Kirigakure just like Sharky here. We are absolutely going to win... that is unless this heat kills us first."[/color] she said pouting. Drawing her hair up and tying it in a ribbon before wiping her head with the back of her hand, she continued to ramble on mostly to herself, but loud enough for the others to hear. [Color=PaleGreen]"I mean I know this is "Fire Country" but seriously I feel like im melting. 'Go on and apply for SETU', they said. 'It'll be rewarding as a growing kunoichi' they said. What they did not say that I was for sure not going to like. This. Heat."[/color] she complained, taking her anger out on the grass beneath her, pulling it out and shredding it in a tantrum. Eventually she crossed her arms and lay back on the grass, her brows still pushed closer in a frown, and fell quiet, mumbling curses aimed at her sneaky Kage.