[img]http://oi59.tinypic.com/4t2b76.jpg[/img][img]http://i.imgur.com/eyw2pJZ.png?1[/img][img]http://i.imgur.com/zYaSc8H.png?1[/img] [color=a187be]"You are right, I don't have to be guilty. I could go about my business and blame him for it. Yet it's because I have a soul that I do feel guilty. The way I see it, is I could have saved them and I failed. You can say I'm not at fault all you want, but I will always feel I am."[/color] Aki replied with while he listened to her response to his question. [color=a187be]"Thats why it's a theory. I know it's stupid maybe another day when the school is less polluted by those monsters. Besides why would I ever leave my sister alone with you. She will learn so many vulgar words, that she will lose all that sweetness. I'll be in my room, feel free to pester if you want."[/color] Aki said quoting the pester part as he walked to his room closing the door behind him. Noa held the dog and looked up at Megumi and puffed out her cheeks while the dog ruffed at Megumi. [color=0072bc]"Not uh fibber. You are a nice lady. If you were a mean lady you wouldn't be so nice to Ki-ki!"[/color] Moa said with her nickname for Aki apparently being Ki-ki. So when Megumi stated herself being soft, Noa tilted her head and poked her. [color=0072bc]"Isn't it normal to be soft? It'd be weird to be hard, almost like you were made of stone. Besides she likes you."[/color] Noa said pointing at the puppy laying against Megumi. [color=0072bc]"And I like you too. And I'm sure despite how he acts, Ki-ki likes you too."[/color] Noa then flashed her a big grin while the puppy would then fart. [color=0072bc]"Ewwww, stinky puppy! Bad!"[/color]