[hider=Tanzin] Name: Tanzin Akar Gender: Male Birthday: August 12th Age: 34 Class: Macemaster Occupation: Ex-Jailer of Dun Gardar Prison Species: Human (Nymerian) Appearance: [img]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/190/6/e/kings_of_the_realm_by_grafit_art-d7pwk0f.jpg[/img] He is a massive man at 7'2" with a large build and large features. Olive skin color. Personality: Tanzin places a lot of a value in strength, seeing as his strength is the primary reason for his successes in life. Although physical strength is important, there are many ways of expressing strength and Tanzin tries to achieve that strength even though he may not be well qualified. Leadership is a great example of his flaw because he always wants to lead, but he never was the sharpest knife.. His attempts at leadership often times are not thought out and end up poorly. He isn't above seeking council but he always wants that role of leading others, seeing as it tends to be an "Alpha" trait. Weakness is not something Tanzin appreciates. Expression emotion, especially cowardice, is considered weakness and be prepared to get no support from Tanzin. He might even insult you for it. Of course, Tanzin realizes that the world is mostly populated by weaklings so he is above picking on the weak with all his physical strength. That means no banditry or bullying from this guy. He's kind of a tough egg to crack and may appear cold but get to know him a bit, and you'll find that typical "jock" attitude. He may be recklass, brash, and a bit dull but you'll find he is noble, loyal, and a fierce friend. He's a lover of humor and battle and those are the best way what he describes as "kinship". Likes: Battle, Strength, Camaraderie, Booze, Summer Heat Dislikes: Traitors, Bandits, Winter Chills, Complaining Past/History: Some call it the Rust Desert, Tanzin calls it home. The Rust Desert is a vast span of nothing but sand and dunes. Very few oases can be found within the boarders, but each oasis is large enough to support large Nymerian cities. Located somewhere around the center of the Rust Desert is an infamous jail that holds the worst perpetrators from the known world, Dun Gardar. Escape is possible and rumor has it, even encouraged because the bet is that no prisoner would possibly escape the desert. Tanzin in his youth was born and raised in one of the oasis cities, the historic city of Galadari. He was a bit more humble back then and his smart-mouth got him into a lot of trouble but his strength always got him out. He was actually recruited by the previous warden of Dun Gardar when he became of age and had served that dreadful prison for ten years before quitting. The reason for his retirement is because he wanted to see the world and using his reasonable wealth from guard duty, he did just that. Eventually he found out that he could make money almost anywhere because the world needed a man who could swing a warhammer with ease. So he went from job to job, receiving pay here and there. He never asked for much and always spared those who couldn't really afford much. [/hider] [hider=Elle] Name: Elle Allywin Nicknames/Aliases: Astrid Gender: Female Birthday: June 8th Age: 24 Class: Astronomer Mage Occupation: Aestrith Priestess, Ex-Navigator for the [i]Hringhorn[/i] Species: Human (Norse) Appearance: [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/8f/64/3d/8f643d7449b7c80750823c36812fbabc.jpg[/img] Personality: Elle is considered by most to be very quiet, her words barely above a whisper, and reserved, hardly expressing emotion or interest. She'll take a backseat to conversation and many times her mind wanders to other things. Despite the rarity of her speaking, she is considered quite smart when focused. Her usual movements are quite lethargic and she really does take her time, which means she is always one for planning ahead. When night falls, she gets a little more energetic and becomes more likely to open up. Part of the reason is due to her powers, the other reason is due to her upbringing as an Aestrith Priestess because they would function in the night instead of the day. Likes: Quiet, Beautiful Views, Night, Sea Dislikes: Noise, Towns, Rushing to accomplish something Past/History: Elle comes from a land of harsh, long winters. The Far North is also known as the lands of Midgard and it is filled with a viking-like humans, who live mostly in the southern parts of Midgard to take full benefit of the Taiga environment. Farther North, you'll find some reclusive dwarf kingdoms who hardly leave their mountain and a few nomadic groups of Giants, whose only permanent settlement is a precursor city shrouded in mystery. The great city of Jotunheim, nestled in some low lying mountains, is the largest settlement you'll find that far north and it houses many more than just giants. Many surface dwarfs, humans, giants and elves live within the great metal walls of an unknown alloy, called Hyperium. The city even expands to an underground portion where a deep earth generator, a combination of alchemy and magic, powers the city and keeps it surprisingly warm. It uses the Hyperium metal on the walls and on most public buildings. At the center of the city rises a great Hyperium Hall of a Norse design. It is the center of successful or aspiring alchemists or mages as the Deep Earth Generator seems to power all manner of magical spells, constructs, and devices. Not too far away from Jotenheim, there is a small community of devoted Astronomers and Aestrith Priestess, who believe that life came from the stars, and that the mother of life was Juna. Many of the constellations are considered her first children. From there the constellation of Mira, gave birth to life on this world. Many giants still follow that belief but fewer humans pay respect to that belief, as it, along with Astronomer Magics, are fading into obscurity. Elle was born in Jotunheim but raised in the Aestirith community because she came from a very devoted family, probably one of the last few. It was common practice at one time to send off a daughter, born in June (Juna in ancient tongue) to pay the family's homage to Juna and the Stars. It was a way for Elle to become educated and well taught in Astronomy Magics. Most activity would be done at night and sleep would be done during the daytime. For most of Elle's life she lived in her studies but at the coming of their age, they are allowed a bit more freedom, as long as they are in service to Juna. Elle's break and escape came from a famous longship captain asking for a navigator, as nobody knew the stars better than the Aestirith. Elle was drafted the [i]HringHorn[/i] and served onboard for four years before the ship and its crew were attacked by a creature of the deep. Elle lived on but never felt the rush to return to her old community as she became fond of the world outside her convent. [/hider]