Oswald slowly but surely stood up, having recovered most if not all of his stamina, the deranged chaotic individual folded his arms and lightly giggled in childish tone, looking around the destroyed enemies they had eliminated then at himself, his body now completely, or almost completely coated in the blood of zombies. One whiff displeased him surprisingly as he plugged his nose with disinterest. [color=9e0b0f]"Urrgh, this blood is revolting...! It's smell of so darn putrid, I feel as if i'l be sick! So unpure so... so gross..."[/color] With his free hand, Oswald immediately took his cellphone out and called back jack without saying a word, as he stared toward the two of them, speaking up so both could hear him out. [color=9e0b0f]"I unfortunately don't have a place of residence anymore... Destroyed, the demons... Poor Childs out there all alone, and without his daddy to care for him... aaah... It's horrible, I tell you~! Oh, and don't look at me like that... I'm just a worthless jobless father who's having a bad day... Yes, I have anger issues, but i'm not a bad guy~ I just have my ... days..."[/color] Oswald was surprisingly now more calm and collected, putting on a more intellectual but rather cold voice as he fixed his bloody jacket and wiped some of the blood off his hands and legs, half gagging at the same time. [color=9e0b0f]"Everyone else is dying, why does it matter where we go? Break into a random store, and stay inside until we can think about what to do! Poor kids out there, probably doing the same thing, the smart little tyke..."[/color]