Elijah placed his briefcase down and reviewed the lesson plan for the next few days. Seeing as it was the first day however, he doubted little would be learned, if anything at all. Probably just introductions and just talking. At least that's what Elijah remembered from when he was in school. It was sorta abrupt when someone from the government told him that they wished for him to become a teacher. Elijah wasn't too excited, but the salary was nice and it would be a nice change of pace from his travels. Now if they'd stop blasting the A/C on high. It was pretty bloody col- Oh. The bloody wall was frozen over. Probably some nut on the other side wanted to show off to their new classmates. He walked over to the other classroom and knocked on the door. "Excuse me, but could the show-off please unfreeze the damn wall? It's pretty cold being next to a big piece of ice."