Aqua hears the teacher's voice and cringes, looking over her shoulder. "Sorry sir!" she yells over her shoulder. "I'll try to get it unfrozen!" She takes a deep breath and focuses on the wall. She squeezes her hands shut and suddenly, the ice turns to water and splashes anyone near the wall. She cringes as she gets thoroughly soaked by her own water and she sighs. This is just a mess. She looks around at everyone, her cheeks flaming, and she begins to pick up the water by waving her hand over it and shoving it back into the horn on her hip. She looks down at her back and sees that it is soaked. She sighs and closes her hand into a fist. Everything dries immediately and evaporates into the air. She smiles before going back to collecting all the water that has fallen from the water either onto people or onto the floor.