Reesh relaxed from his combat stance when the bandits who were before him lay dead on the nordic ground. He gave a quick nod to the Khajiit while revealing his scroll with The Collector's seal on it. The cat man did likewise as the other two of their group came from their hiding places. The breton seemed a bit uneasy, Reesh guessed it was to the combat itself, the woman didn't seem like the fighting type. Reesh was surprised when he realized that Deejaza had changed positions. The puzzled look on his face faded quickly when he turned his attention back to the situation at hand. Introductions would have to wait, there was a bottle of mead begging for recovery. After they had checked the bodies, they made their way towards the gate, all silent as they knew that danger still possibly lurked around. Silent enough to hear the footsteps behind them. Reesh spun around, lowering himself and raising his shield, only to be met by an intimidating orc and a shadowy imperial. Their scrolls with The Collector's seal put him at ease, he didn't like the thought of fighting the orc. Not only was she tall, but she was heavily scarred, armoured and burly. Not only that but he noticed she had a very strict military style stance. As for the imperial woman... He couldn't make heads or tails on what to think, other than she strode forward with an air confidence. Before he even had a chance to think on the orc's question, he heard the distinctive sound of arrows hitting the ground behind him. He turned in time to both hear the charging group of bandits as well as see a large and obese man yell at the top of his lungs. Reesh half-thought the man was a giant who had a growth defect that put all his mass horizontally and not vertically. He quickly put that thought aside as the six bandits got uncomfortably closer. As they closed in, one of the bandits had an arrow pierce his throat, an arrow that most likely was fired from Reesh's argonian compatriot. The bandit's charge quickly became a hobble as he dropped his weapon to clutch his throat, then quickly falling to the ground dead. Two of the bandits made their way towards the orc, while two more faced Reesh. One wielded an iron axe while wearing leather armour with an iron helmet; the other was fully equipt with iron armour, along with a shield, and an iron sword. Reesh was distracted by a flying, screaming bandit. He looked to see the man land next to him, his left leg missing as he clutched it. Reesh looked to see the orc quickly dispatch her other opponent. He didn't get a chance to think anymore when the bandit with the axe went in for the strike. Reesh quickly blocked the strike with his shield, only to notice the other bandit went for a thrust at him. He put himself into a spin, pushing the blade to the side with his shield and prepared a strike on the axe-wielder. The bandit ducked under his swing and tried another attack attempt, this time, however, he hit Reesh in the leg. Fortunately, Reesh's armour remained unbroken. Reesh kicked away the lightly armoured bandit as the one with the sword took another jab. The argonian jumped back, dodging the thrust, and threw an overhead strike at the man, who then blocked it with his shield. The bandit then tried a left-to-right slash at Reesh. The lizard-man ducked under the wing before throwing his weapon upwards toward the bandit. His weapon hit home when it struck the iron chest piece, stunning the nord for the moment. Reesh took this opportunity to take a second swing at the man's head, hitting him in the head and knocking him down. Reesh didn't get time to relax as his axe-wielding opponent charged again. As he attempted to move out of the way of the strike, he felt something grasp his right leg. He looked down to see the one-legged bandit clutching his heavily armoured leg with both arms. Reesh changed his focus and raised his shield, barely blocking the axe that aimed for his head. He then tried to bash the nordic-leech from his leg. The nord would not budge, and Reesh's attention was once again called to the other bandit as he flanked the encumbered argonian. Reesh noticed the orc approach said bandit from behind, performing a devastating overhead swing into the bandit's right shoulder. When the man fell to his knees, she placed a boot on his other shoulder and pulled her battle-axe free, leaving his corpse to fall to the ground. Reesh nodded his thanks as he turned his attention to the wounded and desperate man clinging to his leg. The wounded bandit seemed to have lost too much blood, as his grip on the argonian's leg became loose. Reesh pulled his leg free and kicked the nord over, to see him both tired and dazed. The argonian left him there and turned his attention to the battle at hand, with thoughts of interrogation if the bandit remained alive.