[img]http://oi59.tinypic.com/4t2b76.jpg[/img][img]http://i.imgur.com/eyw2pJZ.png?1[/img][img]http://i.imgur.com/zYaSc8H.png?1[/img] The dog ruffed at her and shimmeyed off the couch as it did a jog, for a puppy anyway at Megumi. Looking up at her with its tongue outside its mouth. [color=0072bc]"I'm not sure, maybe its her way of saying, I like messing with you girls?"[/color] Noa would then stand up and knocked on Aki's desk. [color=0072bc]"Ki-ki, Megumi wanted to pester you about the dog crapping itself."[/color] Noa said through the door while inside the room you could hear Aki say. [color=a187be]"Its how she says she loves you. Megumi its normal, you do it I do it. Those zombies probably do it."[/color] He didn't leave his room to answer but he did answer. Which made Noa shrug her shoulders. [color=0072bc]"Oh she also said she was like a mother deer."[/color] Noa said with bright eyes, this made Aki come out of his room laughing quite hysterically as he looked at Megumi. [color=a187be]"You a mother deer? Oh that's a good one. Thats like me being a pro boxer."[/color] Aki said his laughter dying down while the puppy would then sneeze and look at the three before sitting back on the couch. [color=a187be]"Well I would say lets tell stories about what we did before the whole crap happened, but I feel like I know what Megumi did, and Noa you are not old enough to hear that conversation."[/color] Aki said about to head to his room when Noa kicked him. [color=0072bc]"I'm old enough I'm thirteen years old. I'm a big girl!"[/color] Noa said puffing her cheeks out as she stomped off to her room. [color=a187be]"And now I'm on a little girls frowny list. Oh well."[/color] Aki said going back into his room as he laid down on his bed opening up his manga again.