Here are the edited bio of Piper and the new one of her twin sister, Sawyer. The only thing added to Piper's was the registration number and weakness and the example post. ^_^ [hider=Piper Babinski][img][/img] [u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] [INDENT]Piper Babinski[/INDENT] [b]Nickname/Alias/Etc:[/b] [INDENT]Pip, Dominatrix, Dom, Femme Fatale,[/INDENT] [b]Gender:[/b] [INDENT]Female[/INDENT] [b]Age:[/b] [INDENT]16[/INDENT] [b]Height:[/b] [INDENT]5’5”[/INDENT] [b]Weight:[/b] [INDENT]132 lbs.[/INDENT] [b]Type:[/b] [INDENT]New Student[/INDENT] [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] [b]Hair Color:[/b] [INDENT]Naturally brown, but dyed bleach blonde[/INDENT] [b]Eye Color:[/b] [INDENT]Green[/INDENT] [b]Ethnicity:[/b] [INDENT]American with Polish and Russian ancestry[/INDENT] [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] [INDENT]Piper is a beautiful girl and she loves to hear it. With a European nose and sharp face structure, most think she is from Russia or Poland...well, they’re not wrong. Her blonde hair is of medium-length and not thick, it is naturally wavy but she straightens it most of the time. Her skin is very pale and is the result of an overprotective mother and loads of sunscreen. She is medium height and is a healthy weight for her age. Her lips are semi-full and her eyes are an almond shape.[/INDENT] [b]Attire:[/b] [INDENT]Piper describes herself as a “bad girl” and as such she wears tight skinny jeans, low cropped tops, and is always seen with her favorite leather jacket. When not wearing jeans, she is usually wearing a pencil skirt with stockings or something as equally daring.[/INDENT] [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [b]Innate & Outward Personality:[/b] [INDENT] There could be so many ways to describe Piper, but if she were to be simplified into one word, her friends would simply say “sweet.” If her sister, the closest friend she has ever had, were to say this word, it would be “bitch.” Piper is outwardly the nicest person to meet. She treats everybody fairly and is always helping people wherever she can. Piper never judges and never doubts, she is always there for people when they need her, and she never says anything bad about anyone [i]ever[/i]. Or that’s what people might say about her. In truth, Piper has many flaws and the worst of them all is her lust for entertainment. When Piper is bored, she has the nasty habit of manipulating her friends in order to create drama. While this may be harmless in a small scale, Piper takes it to another level. Instead of causing small rifts between friends, Piper breaks up relationships and tears apart best friends for the sake of being able to watch it. She manipulates every aspect of drama and pretends to be support for her friends when they are going through these rough patches she has drawn up. It is a guilty pleasure that doesn’t even keep Piper up at night, because she has the notion that high school is meaningless and that they will move past it. And, authentically, Piper believes that she isn’t causing any harm. Piper is a selfish girl, which can be obviously seen by her past times, and loves to get what she wants. While not a total moral nihilist, Piper believes some things are okay such as sleeping around and, therefore, is very fond of sex. She is also a strong feminist and believes in the rights to one’s body, and wants equal rights for everybody. When Piper orchestrates a friend’s dramatic pain, Piper genuinely attempts to cheer her friends up even when she is secretly happy for the chaos that she has created.[/INDENT] [b]Hobbies/Interests:[/b] [INDENT]Likes to read the Grimm Fairytales, loves to manipulate friends and create drama, writes[/INDENT] [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] [INDENT]Piper is a horrible writer, but is amazing at creating drama amongst people and manipulating something to her advantage[/INDENT] [b]Prized Possession:[/b] [INDENT][url=] Piper posses the Yin (the black half) of the necklace.[/url] [/INDENT] [b]Quote(s):[/b] [INDENT] “It’s okay to be hurt and angry. Matter of fact, it’s healthy.” “I’m not [i]really[/i] hurting anybody, just having a little bit of fun.”[/INDENT] [b]History/Bio:[/b] [INDENT] Piper Babinski and her twin sister, Sawyer Babinski, were to born, essentially, to a seventeen-year-old whore. Nicole Babinski was an illegal prostitute who obviously couldn’t afford well-working condoms considering the fact that she got pregnant. Because of Piper’s mother’s sleeping around, Piper never knew her father and sincerely doubted that her mother even knew who her father was, it didn’t bother her though. Well, once Nicole figured out that she was pregnant, she figured she could give her kids to someone who’d pay a hefty price. Turns out, nobody really wanted to pay for a fatherless bastard child from a Highroller Heights whore. Nicole figured the best thing to do next was to give up her kid for adoption. Her bad luck doubled when the nurse discovered that she was having twins. Long story short, after giving birth, Nicole instantly grew attached and decided to keep the little buggers. Now, being a low-end prostitute wasn’t the best job to raise kids on, and Nicole figured she would have to make some sacrifices; meaning, Nicole would have to get a second job. Piper’s mother decided that drug dealing was the best next thing she, a woman with a bad education and no college degree, could do. A year or so later, Nicole rose in ranks amongst the prostitutes due to her pleasure inducing Metahuman power and began ranking in a fair amount of money. Nicole finally was stable, got out of the drug dealing business, and focused on her prostitution and the raising of her children. She raised her daughters to be proud and confident and to believe in her feministic ideals. She raised them to treat others how they would like to be treated – though one daughter didn’t quite get the memo – and to always give tips. However, some of Nicole’s lessons didn’t work very well on Piper, and at the age of seven, Nicole knew something was [i]off[/i] about her child. Piper constantly got in trouble for instigating fights between the kids at her school and often caused trouble to happen between her friends. Nicole was worried about her daughter and attempted to discourage the behavior as much as she could, but eventually gave up when it didn’t work. Nicole giving up led to Piper concluding that it was okay to do it and she grew up with the potential of causing more harm than she did before. When Piper went into middle school, she was a master manipulator and had escalated simple fight instigations to ruining relationships and causing disaster within friendships. Piper was firm in her belief that she wasn’t causing any real harm until she grew into her powers at the age of fifteen. Piper was in the bathroom, cheering up her friend, Amani, after she had manipulated her boyfriend to cheat on her with Amani’s best friend. Her hand was soothingly rubbing her back when all of the sudden Amani began to screaming and rolling around in pain, shuddering and shaking. Piper was traumatized by the event and scared by the power she had over Amani, by the pain she had inflicted. A week later, after Saywer’s powers had also appeared, Nicole decided to send the two to the Academy in hopes that they would learn self-control.[/INDENT] [b]Family:[/b] [INDENT]Mother – Nicole Babinski Father – Unknown Twin Sister – Sawyer Babinski[/INDENT] [u][b]Relationships[/b][/u] [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] [b]Power Class:[/b] [INDENT]Biological, Super-System[/INDENT] [b]Power:[/b] [INDENT][i]Pain Inducement[/i]: Piper creates an irritable, pterodactyl like scream inside of the mind of a person she touches. This sound starts in the brain, which is the center of the nervous system, and then goes down the spinal cord and branch out through the body. The vibration of the noise creates pain in the nervous system and causes agony for the person. The person will feel as if her skin is on fire and gives a headache so powerful it feels like someone is drilling a hole in their forehead. She can pinpoint a certain area for pain as well, focusing the sound at one focal point throughout the nerves. [i]Pain Suppressant[/i]: Piper can also administer a soothing whisper inside of the mind. Just like the Pain Inducement, it travels down the nervous system and down the spinal cord, running through the nerves. However, this time, it numbs the nerves and naturally relaxes the body.[/INDENT] [b]Limits:[/b] [INDENT]Piper, in order to create or numb pain, must be touching the victim. Afterwards, Piper will gain a headache that could be minor or major, depending on the effort used on the nervous system.[/INDENT] [b]Weaknesses/Drawbacks:[/b] [INDENT]Piper can suffer psychological damage from using it to much considering that watching is traumatic and terrifying. Piper can suffer psychological damage from using it to much considering that watching is traumatic and terrifying. The pain is also reflected back at her. [/INDENT] [b][u]Other:[/u][/b] [INDENT]Piper loves soap operas Registration Number: 0983384[/INDENT] [b][u]Sample Post:[/u][/b] [INDENT] The light flickered in the nasty bathroom. Piper had to curl her lip in disgust as she walked into the place, squinting her eyes at the graffiti on the walls and snarling her nose at the urinal smell. She wanted to gag – high school bathrooms are the worst things to exist, ever. But she needed to be here, and she knew that. So, she forced herself to walk further into the bathroom and forced herself to kneel next to Amani. Amani sat there, crying against the wall, cornered by the sink and the bathroom stalls, and Piper distantly wondered how she could stand the smell. Maybe she didn’t smell anything over the salt of her tears? “Hey, hey, don’t cry.” Piper cooed, falling onto her ass next to Amani and wrapping a hand around her. “What’s the matter?” “B-Brendan was sl-sleeping with Jess-.” Amani couldn’t complete her sentence and burst into a fresh new wave of tears. “Oh, Amani.” Piper muttered, letting her hand rub her back. What could she say to make it better? Piper bit her lip, containing a grin. After this bout of crying, drama would certainly ensue. Think of Amani, strong-willed and out-spoken, she will of course start something! Maybe even a fight. Piper shivered at the thought and readjusted herself against the wall in case Amani noticed. Amani leaned her head against Piper’s arm and Piper continued to rub her back. Then, out of nowhere, she heard this sharp sound that echoed in her head, hissing against her skin. Piper’s hand stung and she withdrew slightly, right before Amani started screaming. Amani slumped into Piper’s lamp and began to convulse violently and scream and cry for it to stop. Piper didn’t know what was supposed to stop, she couldn’t think over the stinging in her palm and in her skin and that dreadful noise in her brain. Piper clenched her teeth, a pounding migraine possessing her forehead and slammed a fist into the ground, a new spurt of agony washing over her fist. But it was nowhere as painful as Amani’s. Amani felt her skin searing and her nails blistering; her head felt as if someone were taking a sledgehammer to it and breaking into it, over and over again. “What is going on in here?” A teacher asked before seeing the two girls shudder and shake. He immediately ran out, calling for help. Then the pain stopped and Amani slumbered. And, deep down, Piper knew she did it.[/INDENT] [/hider] [hider=Sawyer Babinski][img][/img] [u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] [INDENT]Sawyer Babinski[/INDENT] [b]Nickname/Alias/Etc:[/b] [INDENT]Babs, Beast,[/INDENT] [b]Gender:[/b] [INDENT]Female[/INDENT] [b]Age:[/b] [INDENT]16[/INDENT] [b]Height:[/b] [INDENT]5’5”[/INDENT] [b]Weight:[/b] [INDENT]132 lbs.[/INDENT] [b]Type:[/b] [INDENT]New Student[/INDENT] [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] [b]Hair Color:[/b] [INDENT]Naturally brown, but dyed red[/INDENT] [b]Eye Color:[/b] [INDENT]Green[/INDENT] [b]Ethnicity:[/b] [INDENT]American with Polish and Russian ancestry[/INDENT] [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] [INDENT]Sawyer is considered the “ugly twin.” Every set of twins has it, the less attractive twin. While it may not be noticeable, Sawyer has a bigger nose and her skin is slightly more tanned despite her mother also forcing her to wear just as much sunscreen as her sister. Her eyes are a tad bit smaller and the color a little bit lighter than her sister’s, as well.[/INDENT] [b]Attire:[/b] [INDENT]To say Sawyer has one set style would be an inaccurate statement. Sawyer likes to jump from clothes to clothes, but generally wears jeans – though the if they were shorts, long shorts, or pants depends on the weather – and a t-shirt of some kind. If she is feeling up to looking good, she will wear a nice sleeveless dress, but don’t expect her to wear heels. She is always wearing her lucky converse.[/INDENT] [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [b]Innate & Outward Personality:[/b] [INDENT] Sawyer has always been the dependable one in a family of a chaos. With her twin sister and mother having a tango of right and wrong, occasionally getting into fights, Sawyer is always there to pick up the pieces. On days that her mother has had a bad day at work or isn’t going to be able to come home in time to make dinner, Sawyer is quick to pick up the family duties. That’s just how it’s always been. Sawyer was the rock of the family, sturdy and strong, but she doesn’t want to be the rock. Ever since Sawyer’s escapade to find her dad, Sawyer has had a thirst for adventure, a thirst she has never been able to fill because of her dependability. She doesn’t want to let anyone down and strives to fill everyone’s expectations of her, but she wants to climb Mount Everest and swim with sharks. Sawyer wants to have an epic romance that ends with her heart being broken and commit crimes with a best friend. But she can’t. Because she’s dependable. A part of Sawyer resents her family for containing this part of her, but Sawyer is constantly lying to herself and saying that she doesn’t, that she loves them and cares for them. This built up tension often causes her to lash out at her family. Ever since gaining her powers, an aggressiveness and possessiveness has been more present than usual. Sawyer has always been a sarcastic girl, but now she is more animalistic, unpredictable, and mean. She hates it when people touch her things and will start a fight over the smallest thing. Her temper has turned hot and, with her newfound powers and no longer having to be the dependable one, Sawyer has begun to embrace her adventurous side. Of course, Sawyer is still dependable, but sometimes she forgets things. Sometimes, Sawyer isn’t as dependable as she used to be. But things aren’t all bad with Sawyer. Sawyer, despite being a little tightly wound, can still be a laidback person who enjoys relaxing and laughing as much as the next person. She loves to make puns and jokes, though they aren’t always good, and adores people who make her laugh.[/INDENT] [b]Hobbies/Interests:[/b] [INDENT]Rock climbing, reading adventure stories, swimming, learning about animals, collecting dried flowers,[/INDENT] [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] [INDENT]Fast runner, good at drawing animals, but sucks at drawing anything else,[/INDENT] [b]Prized Possession:[/b] [INDENT][url=] Her Yang (black half) necklace.[/url][/INDENT] [b]Quote(s):[/b] [INDENT] “A man just assualted me with milk, cream and butter. How dairy.”[/INDENT] [b]History/Bio:[/b] [INDENT] Sawyer Babinski and her twin sister, Piper Babinski, were to born, essentially, to a seventeen-year-old whore. Nicole Babinski was an illegal prostitute who obviously couldn’t afford well-working condoms considering the fact that she got pregnant. While Piper was okay with not knowing her father, Sawyer was insanely bothered by it. Well, once Nicole figured out that she was pregnant, she figured she could give her kids to someone who’d pay a hefty price. Turns out, nobody really wanted to pay for a fatherless bastard child from a Highroller Heights whore. Nicole figured the best thing to do next was to give up her kid for adoption. Her bad luck doubled when the nurse discovered that she was having twins. Long story short, after giving birth, Nicole instantly grew attached and decided to keep the little buggers. Now, being a low-end prostitute wasn’t the best job to raise kids on, and Nicole figured she would have to make some sacrifices; meaning, Nicole would have to get a second job. Sawyer’s mother decided that drug dealing was the best next thing she, a woman with a bad education and no college degree, could do. A year or so later, Nicole rose in ranks amongst the prostitutes due to her pleasure inducing Metahuman power and began ranking in a fair amount of money. Nicole finally was stable, got out of the drug dealing business, and focused on her prostitution and the raising of her children. She raised her daughters to be proud and confident and to believe in her feministic ideals. She raised them to treat others how they would like to be treated – though one daughter didn’t quite get the memo – and to always give tips. Growing up, Sawyer was constantly questioning her mother about her father, convinced that Nicole knew something about her father’s whereabouts. Nicole adamantly denied not knowing anything about their father, but when Sawyer was twelve, admitted to believing it was a man named Stanley Devin. Immediately, without even a lick of a plan, Sawyer ran off to find him in the middle of the night. Sawyer looked all over Highroller Heights and met several Stanley Devins over a week until she met a particular one; he was a little bit older than her mother with brown hair and a mustache, he was heavily built and had the same colored eyes as she did. Sawyer was convinced that he was her dad and questioned him nonstop about what he does and who he is. Well, once she revealed that she might be his daughter, he laughed and told her he knew he was gay since the age of fifteen and that she was no daughter of his. Disheartened, Sawyer nearly screamed in frustration. This Stanley Devins must have noticed because he gave her a few sweet words that filled her heart and convinced Sawyer to go back home to her mother. Once she was home, Nicole nearly bashed Sawyer’s head in, but was thankful that she was back. That night, Sawyer had decided that Nicole had lied to her in order to get her off her back and figures that Nicole doesn’t really know who her father is. While Sawyer continued to grow, Nicole didn’t worry much about her and was more focused on Piper due to her strange and detrimental habits, leaving Sawyer to be alone most of the time. She didn’t quite mind it, per se, but she enjoyed the times that Nicole did spend time with her. However, around the age of fifteen, Sawyer began having bouts of possessiveness and anger issues that led her to getting into fights and beating people up all through high school. At this point, Nicole didn’t know what to do, and when Sawyer discovered that she was a Metahuman, Nicole resolved to send them both to an Academy.[/INDENT] [b]Family:[/b] [INDENT]Mother – Nicole Babinski Father – Unknown Twin Sister – Piper Babinski[/INDENT] [u][b]Relationships[/b][/u] [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] [b]Power Class:[/b] [INDENT]Beastial, Super-System[/INDENT] [b]Power:[/b] [INDENT][i]Animal Attributes:[/i] Sawyer has the ability to choose an animal that she has touched and gain specific attributes from the animal, such as speed from a cheetah or flexibility from a snake. Her appearance will take on certain looks as well, though she is not growing cat ears or cat tails, but she might gain claws or tan stripes on her skin. However, she also gains certain personality attributes of it as well. There is a power form called Berserker where she gains a more beastial appearance and is in the mind of an animal and gaining the knowledge that animal naturally attains through living. Her voice box can change in order for her to be able to speak to animals, as well.I [/INDENT] [b]Limits:[/b] [INDENT]Sawyer can only gain the ability of an animal she has touched and must have an attribute chosen at every moment. She does not have a “human” attribute and is always experiencing her power, which can make her exhausted quickly. Energy is only used when her attributes are active or she changes from one animal to another. Sawyer can only use the attributes of one animal at a time. At the moment, she has only touched a cat, a dog, and a gorilla – a funny story actually.[/INDENT] [b]Weaknesses/Drawbacks:[/b] [INDENT]She gains the temperament and weaknesses of said animal, as well. Example: If she has the attribute of a snake, someone holding her neck will prevent her from doing anything. When in full bestial mode, she actually thinks she is the animal whose attribute she has possessed. She does not have full control and has gained a hot-headed nature and unpredictability because of her power.[/INDENT] [b][u]Other:[/u][/b] [INDENT]Registration Number: 04848 [/INDENT] [b][u]Sample Post:[/u][/b] [INDENT] “I heard about your sister.” Sawyer sighed and leant her head back, glancing into the cloudless sky and feeling the heat wash over her and the gallons of sunscreen on her face. “Yeah. Everyone’s heard.” Sawyer’s friend, Melissa, placed her weight on the railing, glancing down at the gorilla encasement far below her and biting her lip. “Think you’ll be a Metahuman?” “Dunno.” Sawyer answered monosyllabically. “I’m bored. Let’s do something.” Melissa sighed in exasperation. “You were bored at my house and so we went to the bowling alley, you were bored at the bowling alley, so we came to the zoo. Where do you want to go next, princess?” Sawyer scrunched her face in irritation, but the aggravation left her body swiftly, replaced with a small smile. “What do you get if you cross a gorilla and a prisoner?” “Pray tell, what?” “A Kong-vict!” Sawyer chuckled, looking over at Melissa, her green eyes squinting at the sun. When Melissa didn’t laugh, Sawyer said, “Get it? King Kong?” “I got it. It just wasn’t funny.” But Melissa smiled anyways. “It was funny to me.” Sawyer replied defensively, looking down into the gorilla cage. “Hey, I dare you to go down there and touch the gorilla.” “What? No! You do it.” Melissa scowled jokingly. Imagine her surprise when Sawyer swung a foot over the railing and began to scale down the wall, into the gorilla encagement. “Sawyer, what the hell do you think you’re doing?” Melissa whisper-shouted, her blonde hair falling into her face. “You told me to do it.” Sawyer answered, her voice tinged with tiredness as she landed onto her feet. Almost immediately, the gorilla approached her, sniffing her curiously. Sawyer smiled and laid a gentle hand onto the gorilla’s back, petting it softly before moving away. The gorilla followed her, nudging her with his hand. “Stop it.” Sawyer demanded, swatting his hand away. The gorilla only nudged harder until she fell onto her butt. “I said stop it.” Sawyer said louder. The gorilla pulled on her arm harshly and yanked on her clothes, irritating Sawyer immeasurably. And then the gorilla grabbed a chunk of hair and tugged painfully. Sawyer exploded. She grabbed his arm and wrestled him to the ground and he fought back with all his might, attempting to pin her down, but they were at equal strength. “Hey! What the hell are you doing?” A zookeeper screamed from above and Sawyer felt her face go even paler than it already is.[/INDENT] [/hider]