[h3]Bride[/h3] Bride was help up by the guy by the the name Andre, he seemed really polite for his clumsiness. Somehow the pain he was feeling went away like magic, he wonder why though...he didn't take any of his painkillers at all. Just avoiding to think deeper to it he bowed his head in thanks and gave a sweet smile to Andre. "Ah...T-thank y-you...sorry t-though I am not u-used to large c-crowds as well..." Bride a small giggle as he giggled about the numerous parties he went (force) to and he was still not used to it. "Oh! My-my name is...uuhh.." for a second he though if he should say his full name of just his nickname but since Andre said his full name he should to that as well. "My n-name is Lavender Mynt Boquet b-but you can call me B-bride." He bowed his head to Andre and the person he was talking to. Bride was lucky to meet some nice people and not the creepy ones like before.