Sweet Daddy K felt that [i]something[/i] was off. He glanced to his side as he glanced at the woman on his left. She was still there and he glanced ahead of him. He took a quick sniff of the air around him, as he plucked the coin given to him, and dropped it into his mawashi. He tapped his cane on the ground as he glanced at what appeared to be one of his lovely ladies. "Woul be fittin'. Coul' always toss some scrilla." He swaggered on up to Hodag, keeping a calm mood to him "What's crackalakin?" The Tanuki inquired as he bared his fanged teeth at the creature. "So, can't give a fresh gift if I ain't knowin' whatcha like. Course coul' always go widda gift that ain't fo-sho. Buuut Sweet Daddy K don't do that. So I'mma ask whatcha like? Shorties? Scrilla? Or, somethin' ya ain't sure of?" Kakutoku Sha cocked his head as he glanced at the pile of gifts. "Whatcha flava Mac?"