[@Tyler] I like your well thought-out response. It gives me a good feeling about you. I'll address what I can! [quote=@Tyler] Thank you for your feedback. I am going to address each point individually and I hope we can work something out from there. 1) "He has no real weaknesses or drawbacks - only limits." I struggled with this! I could not properly determine the difference between a 'limit', a 'weakness' and a 'drawback'. This is why I merged the two section of the character sheet as I felt I had properly addressed his weaknesses in the 'Limits' field. However based on your feedback and re-reading I have realised I have not done this. I have outlined elsewhere in the character sheet that sport is not Mason's forte, and this lack of athleticism would definitely affect his ability in combat. I feel that would be a big weakness. He would be of little use in combat until his telekinesis develops, which I feel would come later - after his teleportation and remote viewing, definitely. And even then, his combat ability is limited to flesh wounds only, cut and stab wounds caused by fractured mirrors. He cannot damage machines, for example, nor can he cause enough damage to penetrate protective clothing such as armoured vests etc. I would like to think of more weaknesses for him. I consider the fact that any time spent in the mirror world counts as "using his power" and thus pushes him towards exhaustion a weakness, though this sort of applies to all characters I suppose. Do you have any suggestions, perhaps? [/quote] To me, a limit is a restriction. While a weakness/drawback is a disadvantage, or something an opponent can exploit. For example of a limit, Luther can control water outside of fifteen meters of himself. While using his water manipulation dehydrates him, and he's affected by his precipitation storms as anyone else is. A weakness for him would be a negative effect from breaking the mirrors (forcing him out, leaving him rattled for a bit), or shining a bright light on it. [quote=@Tyler] 2) "What would happen if someone breaks his mirror?" [b]If someone were to break his mirror, Mason would have to find another mirror to exit the mirror world through.[/b] Every mirror is a door/window in/out of the dimension. The reason he does not age is because his 'teleportation' is actually him wandering through the mirror world in search of the right door. Time and space works differently to allow for this, so that it would not take him years and years to teleport. [/quote] I personally think you should drop the bolded part. I want a way to force him out of the mirror world. Besides... there won't be too many mirrors kept around, there's only really one mirror in a room at a time. [quote=@Tyler] 3) "How far can he teleport/view?" As detailed above, he teleports by moving through the mirror realm and exiting through the mirror at his destination. This is why his power requires a mirror to be at any teleport destination, as these are the doors in/out of the dimension. In terms of how far he can teleport, I think in theory he would be able to teleport as far as he wanted; the catch is, of course, that being in the mirror world drains his energy and thus questions are raised as to how far he would be able to go. I think for the purpose of the RP, we can say that at his current level his range is limited to the size of the school campus. As the story develops I would like to see this expand to the Black Fall area comfortably and further afield when strained. His remote viewing ability should not be limited by distance in my opinion, as he does not need to enter the mirror realm for this. The further afield the mirror is, the longer it would take him to find and the more energy it would use, but I don't think a set-in-stone radius is relevant to this power. [/quote] I think the further he teleports/views, the more energy it takes. It's more of a limit, but yeah, it'll work better in the long run. [quote=@Tyler] 5) "He's a little underweight. He should be a bit heavier." This is deliberate and is part of the character's story. It is pseudo-mentioned at various points in the character sheet but I can go into more detail via PM is required. [/quote] If there's a reason for it, then that's fine. I was just letting you know since some people on this site suck at weights. =P Again, Tyler, I really like your character - Urban agrees. It's just that we need to tweak Mason's power a bit. I also think you should elaborate on the size of the mirror. How big does the mirror need to be for him to enter it? [hr] [@Apokalipse] Both characters are fiiiine, but I think you could expand their power sections a bit. Both of their sections are underdetailed, and one sentence. I'd like at least a paragraph.