[center]Amelia[/center] "[color=fff200]Stew sounds really nice[/color]." Amelia said before laughing at the sight of Jarvis' flour covered face. It was rare to hear her actually laugh."[color=fff200]You should wash your face off. You have flour all over it. Someone might mistake you for a ghost[/color]." When Jarvis brought up getting back home again, Amelia's expression fell again. "[color=fff200]It must be good... having a home to go forward to. I know you'll say Phoenix Wing is my home but it's not the same. I want some place different... something like what I had when I lived with Mama[/color]." She said"[color=fff200]I just want some place I can really call my own[/color]." "[color=aba000]And if you keep lying to yourself, you'll never find what you're really looking for Dear[/color]." A voice said from nearby. A [url=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/352/4/e/misaka_mikoto_wallpaper_by_g4lik-d6yh3yw.jpg]young woman[/url] appeared from a magic circle to next to Amelia and Jarvis. Smiling down at Amelia, she ruffled the young girl's hair affectionately"[color=aba000]You still lie to yourself all the time. When will you learn to be honest[/color]?" "[color=fff200]Mama[/color]." Amelia said, looking at the ground as her face turned red. Giggling, the woman stood up and held her hand out to Jarvis. "[color=aba000]Nice to meet you. I am Ellis Averyonna. I became Amelia's mother after she was rescued[/color]." She said."[color=aba000]I meant to do so earlier but I want to thank you for watching after her so far[/color]."