[hider=Mason Crawford] [u][b]Basic Information[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] [INDENT]Mason Thomas Crawford[/INDENT] [b]Nicknames:[/b] [INDENT]Mason, Mace, M, Artfag[/INDENT] [b]Gender:[/b] [INDENT]Male[/INDENT] [b]Age:[/b] [INDENT]19[/INDENT] [b]Height:[/b] [INDENT]5ft 11'[/INDENT] [b]Weight:[/b] [INDENT]139lbs[/INDENT] [b]Type:[/b] [INDENT]New student[/INDENT] [b][u]Appearance[/u][/b] [hider=Visual reference] [img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10478688_296702177173584_4357194084601346234_n.jpg?oh=a5cf0fbf486dfead23a948f8fb57b441&oe=557217BE&__gda__=1437663842_220b91feeb59c20f6a02750390bbe295[/img] [/hider] [b]Hair Color:[/b] [INDENT]Dark brown[/INDENT] [b]Eye Color:[/b] [INDENT]Dark brown[/INDENT] [b]Ethnicity:[/b] [INDENT]Caucasian[/INDENT] [b]Physical Appearance:[/b] [INDENT]Mason is tall and slim, with a face that is quite angular; a hooded brow, pointed nose and a sharp pair of cheeks. He is not exceptionally attractive by media standards, nor does he stand out in a crowd as being particularly ugly. His confidence and the way he carries himself work in his favour. His hair is shorter on the sides and much longer on the top, and he likes to tie the top portion into a bun atop his head. His eyes are dark and usually cast in shadow by his prominent brow, which can make him look quite intimidating, however his friendly smile can usually dispel these feelings swiftly. Mason's teeth are near-perfect in alignment, the result of over two years wearing an orthodontic brace, however they are off-white due to cigarettes, coffee and other unhealthy lifestyle choices. His skin is relatively pale, a nod to his upbringing in England. His nails are often longer than what is traditionally considered acceptable for men, as he prefers them this way; however he doesn't like to paint them. He has a mole (he calls it a 'beauty mark') on his upper lip, which he claims is the result of French ancestry - but obviously, it isn't. Mason's shoulders are particularly broad and this is exaggerated unkindly by his very slender physique; however, he is able to conceal these disproportions through his clothing. He wears a silver screw through his earlobe as an earring. He has two scars on his head: one small horizontal line on his forehead, and a larger crescent-shaped scar towards the back of his head. Both were sustained through falls as a child. His thighs are also home to a collection of horizontal scars, but these are largely faded and concealed by leg-hair. His feet are quite small for a man of his height, at a US size 8. [/INDENT] [b]Attire:[/b] [INDENT]Mason's style is somewhat eclectic, a nod to his background in the art scenes of London and Berlin. He wardrobe consists largely of vintage clothing acquired from thrift shops and boutiques he has encountered on his travels. His staple is his dungarees, which he wears often and owns several different pairs. He has a penchant for old, worn denim and likes to wear several denim items at once; considered a fashion faux-pas, which is largely why he enjoys it. His clothes are often very baggy and consist of washed jeans and oversized band merchandise or sporting regalia (despite the fact he plays no sports). He values style and comfort in equal measures, and his clothing reflects this. His feet are almost always found within one of his battered pairs of Converse. His hair is kept in a top-knot by dark hair-ties which are near invisible amongst his deep brown locks. His left ear is pierced and is currently home to a screw that Mason is using as a make-shift gauge. He has two tattoos: a quote in German on his right arm, and an Icelandic sigil on his shoulder, called a vegvísir. In ancient times it was given as a magical blessing to allow sailors to "see the way" and get them safely where they need to be. Mason hopes it will do the same for him.[/INDENT] [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [b]Innate & Outward Personality:[/b] [INDENT]Outwardly, Mason comes across as confident; sometimes to a fault. He enjoys being a little arrogant and pretentious, but this is wholly as a response to his belief that people take life too seriously. He does a relatively good job at making sure people can tell that his sarcasm and blunt comments are made in jest, always delivering them with a twinkle in his eye and a mischievous smirk. He developed this sense of humour from the drag scene (he spent two years living with drag queens in Berlin), and people who are familiar with this form of entertainment will find him easy to get along with. However, those who don't understand that he is trying to be funny may find him mean and unnecessarily hurtful. Fortunately, Mason is very honest and is a big fan of 'talking it out', so if he is made aware of a misunderstanding he will do his best to rectify it. Like most of Mason's personality traits, this can be very polarising: some people will appreciate his willingness to talk about problems in order to resolve them, whilst some may find it confrontational and over-the-top. Ultimately, Mason is comfortable enough in himself and his identity that he won't change who he is to please someone else, but this creates a dilemma for him. Mason has a deep need to be liked, and whilst he's very good at concealing extreme emotions and pretending he's fine, he has a lot of issues regarding rejection and feeling disliked. These plague him internally and every day he faces a battle between being true to himself and his art, and wanting to be loved. In situations where he feels like someone has an issue with him that he can't resolve, Mason is known to become manipulative and passive-aggressive. His intelligence allows this to be done with such an ease and subtlety that more naïve students should be weary of. He is confident, charismatic and socially competent, but this has largely been built as a wall to protect himself over the years. At the core, he has a lot of subconscious issues and negative mentalities that he has never fully addressed, choosing to ignore them and continue functioning rather than attempting to conquer them. He has gone through phases of various coping mechanisms behind closed doors, none of them particularly healthy, but he is good at keeping up a pleasant façade. He does not like to seem (or even feel) vulnerable.[/INDENT] [b]Hobbies/Interests:[/b] [INDENT]All of Mason's hobbies lie in the creative fields. Children can be cruel and Mason was never really allowed to join the other boys in playing sports, nor was he invited to play video games. As a result, he had to find ways to entertain himself. He finds solace in painting, which has always been his primary source of self-expression from a very young age - and he's gotten very good at it. In more recent years, he has expanded his artistry towards photography and film work, as he feels there is more 'life' in these images. He is rarely seen without his DSLR camera, which shoots still images and video. He loves music, especially listening to it and creating his own synthesiser-based songs. His favourite musicians are Kate Bush and Björk. He also loves reading; he doesn't read many 'stories', but is an avid fan of classical poetry, particularly Lord Alfred Tennyson and Robert Browning. He also likes to read old non-fiction books about subjects that interest him; primarily art history but also more niche works on occultism and freemasonry. He practices yoga every morning. [/INDENT] [b]Skills/Talents:[/b] [INDENT]Whilst his proficiency in the creative arts may lead some to believe Mason is not particularly intelligent, he is actually very bright. Certainly, subjects like mathematics and the sciences have never been his strong point, but he believes that everyone is good at different things and considers his artistic skills to be of equal worth to his more academic contemporaries. He is a skilled writer and his intelligence exists very much in philosophy and sociology; he has a natural understanding for the way things 'are' in life. In that respect, he is very 'switched on' and logical. His combination of charisma and common sense make him a good leader, as he is able to communicate his ideas well. He is good at staying calm in stressful situations, and his refusal to panic often works to his advantage. He adjusts well to new environments and trusts people easily; the latter can sometimes be a disadvantage and get him hurt, but he believes everyone should be trusted until they give him a reason to think otherwise. He speaks fluent German.[/INDENT] [b]Prized Possession:[/b] [INDENT]Canon 700D DSLR camera[/INDENT] [b]Quote(s):[/b] [INDENT]"[i]Somewhere in the dark, there is a light[/i]" - his mantra. He has it written in German on the inside of his right arm.[/INDENT] [b]History/Bio:[/b] [hider=Mason's story][INDENT]Mason was born to a relatively wealthy family in Kensington, London. His father was away on business for most of his childhood, but he and his mother had a close bond. He went to an all-boys private school, but there was always something different about him - and the other boys picked up on this. He was not explicitly bullied during his childhood years, but there was a definite exclusion that meant he forged few friendships. This became the foundation of his strong independence in later life. As he got older, his father became disappointed by his only son. They shared no interests, and try as Thomas could he simply could not persuade Mason to develop an interest in sports, business or politics. As Mason was also underperforming in maths and science, it was decided by aged thirteen that he would attend a boarding school in the country. But whilst his father was convinced this would change the direction of his son's life, the supposed problem only became worse. Mason was mercilessly bullied at the all-boy's residential academy, and he longed for the days when he was simply ignored and all bad-mouthing was done behind his back. Here, the boys were ruthless and cruel, calling him names like "faggot" and "gayboy". It was the first time Mason had been confronted with ideas like this, and it both confused and rattled him in equal measures. Away from his family and surrounded by hatred, Mason became hopelessly unhappy with himself. In the isolation of his dormitory or the bathroom, he would harm himself as punishment for being so dislikable. And outside of these sanctuaries he would simply soldier on with the bravest of faces. It was painting that finally distracted him from his depression. Re-discovering the art form gave him a healthier way to express his feelings, and it was upon this discovery that his identity really started to manifest. He leapt into the art world without a second thought, dedicating his every spare moment to improving his skill and understanding of artistry. Realising that his money was wasted trying to mould his son through private education, Mason was eventually withdrawn from the boarding school on his sixteenth birthday. It had taken many years, but his father was finally becoming supportive of his son's artistic leanings. A scholarship for an art school in East London was earned, and soon he found himself surrounded by his people. People who understood him and loved him for who he was, people who appreciated his talents. His confidence and charismatic charm grew in leaps and bounds, and whilst inside he knew he would always struggle with self-acceptance, he developed social skills that made life fun and enriching. He found that the only way to enjoy art more than he already did, was by sharing it with friends. It was around this age that Mason realised the boys at school had been right. Mason was gay, and he had strong feelings for a classmate named Curt, who was already 'out'. The pair were good friends, and as they spent more time together that friendship grew into something else. It was a high school romance, but it meant something to the both of them. Mason's friends already knew he was gay, but it was time to tell his parents. It was a Saturday afternoon when Mason decided to break the news. He was nervous, but ultimately he felt confident that they would accept it. They loved him, after all... Right? Apparently, not as much as he would have liked to think. By 7:00pm he was dragging a suitcase out of the front door, on his father's orders. By 10:00pm, he was pulling a blanket tightly around him, crying gently as he tried to get to sleep on his boyfriend's sofa. He didn't stay in England for very long after that. His parents cut his funding for art school, and living with his boyfriend soon proved that they were not meant-to-be. Within three or four months, he was on a plane to Berlin. His family had always holidayed in Germany, and so he was already able to speak the language; this was a fresh start for him, a chance to do it all over again. He had tried to let his parents know where he was going, but they still refused to make any sort of contact with him and so he left them in ignorance. He used what savings he had gathered over the years to rent a room in a three-bed flat in central Berlin. The area was run-down and a far cry from his home, but it was all he could afford. Scarred from the reaction of his parents, he had ensured the flat was listed as "Gay-friendly" before enquiring. When he arrived, his housemates were two middle-aged drag queens: Helga Holla and Raja Fantaja. The two were a couple who argued furiously but ultimately loved each other, and when they heard Mason's story they took him under their wing. He was given a job at Raja's club, mainly bar and promotional work, and Mason loved it. The hours were convenient in that they gave him a lot of time to work on his art, and the money meant he could pay his rent without going into his savings. For two years, life was good. If Mason had felt at home with his classmates in London, then Berlin was like heaven. The people he was interacting with were older than him, being friends of Helga and Raja. Artists, writers, filmmakers, drag queens, fashion designers, poets, actors... He was exposed to things he would never normally have encountered, and it was enlightening and invigorating. He felt alive. Discovering he was a metahuman was the last thing Mason expected to happen. He had been through a lot of trials and been judged unfairly. Did he really need to add something else to his belt of weirdness? He began waking up in the night, cold and surrounded by blackness for what seemed like infinity. He saw a tall window before him, that he could look through and see his bedroom on the other side. He eventually realised that he was seeing his room from within his mirror. Whenever he found himself in this situation he would simply wait until he fell asleep again; when he woke up, he would be on his bedroom floor. He finally realised that what was happening wasn't a dream when he tried to touch the window and his hand went straight through it, followed by the rest of his body as he stepped out into the bedroom. He left the next day as though everything was normal. He told Helga and Raja he would see them that evening at the club, and took off into the city. Within hours, he was on a plane to Black Fall, USA. He had never been to this part of America, but the city was infamous for his meta-human population. He needed somewhere like art school, like the club scene in Berlin... But that suited his current predicament. He needed somewhere he could fit in. He applied to Academy 218 as soon as he arrived. If he was going to live with this thing, he had to at least find out what it was and learn to control it. [/INDENT][/hider] [b]Family:[/b] [INDENT]Thomas Crawford, estranged Natasha Crawford, estranged Otto "Helga Holla" Warmann, estranged Anthony "Raja Fantaja" Bruce, estranged [/INDENT] [u][b]Relationships[/b][/u] [indent][b]Casper Hayat[/b][/indent]Casper is the first friend Mason made at 218. The boy's timid shell has enough cracks to reveal a vibrant soul just waiting to break out, but not quite having the confidence; it's a trait that a younger Mason identified with, and he finds it wholly endearing. Mason is quickly finding Casper to be the person he can most trust at the academy and they are starting to become good friends. Casper was the first person Mason ever showed his powers to. [indent][b]Kanala Wabae[/b][/indent]Mason met Kanala on the boat to the 218. He is weary of her telepathic abilities, but in general she seems pleasant enough. [indent][b]Mark Tybalt[/b][/indent]Mason met Mark on the boat to the 218. Mark came off as arrogant and they didn't get off on the right foot. [indent][b]Trevor Lockhart[/b][/indent]Mason briefly met Trevor in the academy canteen. Trevor came across as both friendly and intelligent; with a face to boot. Mason recalls fondly the way Trevor showed interest in his photography. [indent][b]Harmon Rottlage[/b][/indent]Mason is sharing a dormitory with Harmon. Whilst he was initially confused by Harmon's strange appearance, Mason quickly learned that his roommate was highly intelligent, if a little shy. He is sure that living with the man will not be as difficult as others may believe. Harmon offered to introduce Mason to Mr. Tarblatt, for which Mason is grateful. He likes Harmon. [indent][b]Adam Blackmore[/b][/indent]Mason's first class at the academy was held by Adam Blackmore. He doesn't doubt Blackmore's power for a second, but Adam's aggressive and combative approach to power training is too much for Mason. Both Adam and his class terrify him. [indent][b]Diego Bellasquez[/b][/indent]Mason made a mental note to avoid Diego after seeing him brawling with another student. However, Diego tried to help him out on the course and was apologetic on his sister's behalf. Diego is definitely the more likeable sibling. [indent][b]Lupe Bellasquez[/b][/indent]Mason's first introduction to Lupe was when she landed on top of him. She was completely unapologetic and then proceeded to push Mason from a great height, which she found funny. Mason did not. He doesn't like her one bit. [indent][b]Rosaline Marsh[/b][/indent]Mason first encountered Rosaline in her office, in search of Mr. Tarblatt. She is perhaps the warmest and friendliest woman he has met, and he feels compelled to take her up on her offer of tea one day. [indent][b]Ruben Tarblatt[/b][/indent]Mason first met Ruben in Rosaline's office. Whilst his appearance and blunt nature are quite intimidating, there is a general aura of calm around the reserved teacher which implies he means no harm. Mason is excited to learn from him. [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] [b]Power Class:[/b] [INDENT]Other[/INDENT] [b]Power:[/b] [i]Speculomancy[/i] [INDENT]Mason has a power he refers to as 'speculomancy'. His power revolves around mirrors and reflections. At present, he is only aware of his ability to pass through mirrors and enter a parallel plane of infinite blackness. When in this world he is completely safe from anyone in the 'real world', and he does not age (though he is not aware of this). In the future, his abilities will prove far more useful, as he will learn to teleport between location via mirrors; entering through one mirror and emerging from one in a remote location. He will also be able to view any location with a mirror remotely, by looking into a mirror and searching for it. The peak of his power will allow him to change his physical features to resemble any human he wishes by looking into a mirror.[/INDENT] [b]Limits:[/b] [INDENT]Mason's powers are useless if there are no mirrors present. His powers only work for actual mirrors; reflections in windows, water, metals etc are useless to him. When he is remote viewing, his viewpoint is always from the POV of the mirror; as such, if an object is blocking the view or the mirror is dirty or covered with a sheet, his view will be impaired. The further he teleports or views, the more energy he is drained of; teleportation requires more energy than remote viewing. Furthermore, Mason can only enter the mirror world through a mirror that is big enough for him to climb through. He can remote view through any size mirror. Whilst he is the only one known to be able to enter the mirror realm, anyone is able to leave it; as such, if he ever learns to transport others with him, they will be free to leave whenever they please. When he changes his appearance in a mirror, his reflection will still be himself. Whilst ever he is in the mirror realm, he feels a physical, mental and emotional taxation. This only increases the longer he remains there.[/INDENT] [b]Weaknesses & Drawbacks[/b] [INDENT]Mason has a very low athletic ability, and as such is largely vulnerable in combat situations. If a mirror he is connected to* is broken, he feels a degree of pain equivalent to that of the damage. A crack causes a small amount of pain while a complete shatter will cause enough pain that he becomes unconscious. Due to the fragile nature of his tools, this makes him vulnerable when using his powers. If he is in the mirror world when the mirror is broken, he is not only dragged back to the real world but also suffers physical damage to accompany the pain. These injuries manifest as cuts and scratches, the severity and depth of which are determined by the level of damage caused to a mirror. If a mirror he has used to shapeshift is broken, the illusion vanishes instantly and Mason is returned to his normal appearance. If a bright light is shone into a mirror Mason is connected to, he is dazzled. This is especially prominent when he is remote viewing; whilst anyone can see the image in the mirror, only Mason will be affected by the light. This effects of this vary from dizzying to temporary blindness, depending on the harshness of the light. *'Connected to' definition: [1] The mirror Mason has used to enter the mirror world. [2] The mirror Mason is using to view somewhere remotely. [3] The mirror Mason is trying to view remotely.[/indent] [b][u]Other:[/u][/b] [INDENT] NEST ID: #6421-MTC-UK Theme Song: La Roux - [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgnBZkUaPws]Reflections Are Protection[/url][/INDENT] [b][u]Sample Post:[/u][/b] [INDENT][i]CHINK.[/i] The red bottlecap soared through the air and landed tinnily on the hard, sticky floor of the bar. The music was loud and decidedly campy as Mason handed the bottle of lemony-looking liquid to a young, blonde female. She thanked him and left, vanishing into the crowd of buff gay men and their entourages of liberal women. The crowd tonight was largely German - tourist season didn't properly kick off for another month or so, when the city held its annual "Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin". The lights dimmed, interrupting his trail of thought. As the music trailed off, a spotlight illuminated the stage, and out tottered a tall, chunky lady to all the whooping and wolf whistles the inebriated crowd could muster at this late hour. Of course, the word "lady" was used in the most metaphoric sense of the word; this lady had plastic breasts, a strong jaw and a mountain of neon green hair atop her aged but immaculately made-up face. Helga Holla, one of Berlin's finest drag queens and a regular fixture in the gay and art scenes here in the German capital. Mason grinned bemusedly as he watched his housemate work the stage and maintained it as he spotted Raja observing from the sidelines, just as she did every night; eyes wide in the admiration only a devoted lover can possess. Raja and Helga were each other's number one fans, and it was - quite frankly - adorable. "E-excu, I mean uh... Entschuldigung?" came a male's voice, attracting Mason's attention from the glass he was absent-mindedly wiping. It was not common for customers to visit the bar whilst Helga or Raja were performing, but also not entirely unheard of. Mason chuckled at the man's poor attempt at the language, but it was always endearing when people tried to make the effort. "Hallo," Mason began, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Was soll ich Ihnen bringen? Ein Cocktail, vielleicht? Ein Glas Wein?" He spun the words rapidly and with precision, as a spider spins her web. The young man's face was flooded with panic as he began to rummage around in his pocket for his smartphone. Mason laughed. "No need, my friend. Just joking with you." He smiled warmly at the man, who looked relieved. "What can I get you?" The man chuckled; he was embarrassed but clearly saw the funny side, and Mason appreciated his smile as he ordered a vodka with Redbull. He was quite attractive, his light blonde curls pulled back with a traditional bandana, revealing his angular face and smooth complexion. He adjusted his glasses as Mason handed him the drink. "Are you here alone?" Mason asked. The man nodded apprehensively, taking a sip of his beverage. "May I ask why?", Mason pushed. "I, uh... I actually just moved here. I don't have that many friend back home, you know..." the man mumbled. It wasn't hard to tell he had confidence issues, but he had a lot of accidental charm. He was endearing. "I kind of just wanted to--" "To get a fresh start?" Mason interrupted, smiling as the man nodded once more. "Yeah, exactly that." he replied. Mason smiled in return. "What's your name?" he asked. "Ben." he replied. "Well, Ben. I know exactly what that's like. I just moved here a year and a half ago, actually." As he spoke, he scanned the crowd for people he knew. He eventually made eye contact with a friend of his, Monika. She was German but she spoke good English, and she was here with other people Mason knew. He shouted her over. "Was geht, artfag?" she laughed, slightly drunk as she and her friends approached. Mason laughed too. "Monika, this is Ben." he said, gesturing towards the new arrival. "He just got here from England. Doesn't really know anyone, if you get what I mean." He and Monika exchanged knowing looks, and the whole group smiled at Ben warmly. "Do you like art, Ben?" Monika purred, wrapping her arm around the alarmed man's shoulders. "Y-yeah, I... I love art. I just graduated from Central St. Martin's in London." he said, seeming a little overwhelmed by the warm welcome. "Well, Ben. You're gonna love it here," he smiled, before winking platonically the man whom Monika was now draped over. "I'm Mason, by the way. That one's on the house." [/INDENT] [/hider]