[h3]Bride[/h3] Bride titled his head, also a person who was dragged to certain events just like him. "W-wo...I guess we have s-something in common...I am usu-ually d-dragged to places as w-well" He gave out a very cute giggle and nodded back, it sort of made him feel safe that there is someone like him in a way out there. One thing though that confused him was a red Gyarados...he never heard of such thing before, is it a monster or a thing to buy. He should really get out more but once again his body won't able to handle it. His attention was turned back as Andre might of though his parents were florist or botanist. Bride couldn't help to giggle ever so sweetly. "Ah n-no... Wh-hen I born there was a b-bunch of lavenders on the win-dow still wh-while my dad ate m-i-int ice cream...a f-funny really...My mo-m is a florist now but w-wasn't before." Bride explained to Andre while just giving another sweet smile. But then he turned back to his attention to the red Gyarados from before. It sounded like a mister from a game but he never played any games before. "um...w-whats a red G-gyarados?" [h3]Penn[/h3] Penn flinched again, how many mistakes has he made while talking to this girl?! "AH! S-" He stopped himself from saying sorry once more and covered is face, he was making a true mess of himself of course. Maybe next time he could play a tome game and work his social skills there or at least do something with social interaction...that would made things so much easier for him. He grumbled out to himself. "...i-idiot..." He never really had his open self confidence, ever since that day all of it was gone and he could never see himself as who he was before. He closed his eyes for a moment until he was being dragged out by the girl, he was thankful yet the same time horrified as he was bumping into many guys which increased his fear to the roof. As the two were outside he left a really loud sigh of relief and threw his hands up the air. "FINALLY!!" He hated crowded place and social interactions a bit to much. But then hearing something from what the girl said, she must be thinking to herself but just said it out loud. It was kinda true to leave with someone unknown but she was unknown to him as well. Maybe to break the ice....probably he spoke in a soft voice. "uuhh....my name is Penn..." scratching the back of his neck he gave a crooked smile.