As you can imagine, Marian was surprised to hear his question. He had been working exclusively on the Robin Hood case and it was a question probably many people would ask him over his time being at the office. She was no different with her curiosity but at the same time, something pulled at her. At first she opened her mouth to answer, than shut it in though. Her blonde brows pushing together in thought, she could really learn some valuable information from him even though Robert hadn’t been on the case for too long. “You know, as much as I feel like I should say yes…” Her blue gaze moved up to meet his eyes, “I’d rather not. A mystery about him is a good thing and the last night I need is my father getting more down my throat then he already is.” A small nod lifted and fell her head as she brought her drink to her lips. “Besides that topic might get in the way of our ‘not date’ and we hear about him enough as is.” With that she took a drink of her now empty martini glass and set it back down on the bar top. “Truth or Dare?"