Introducing a plot-line with this post, in the form of [i]The Mandalorian Renaissance[/i] a team of mercs based out of a Hammerhead class cruiser of the same name, and doing shenanigans of the highest order. Their basic order of business is the standard run of the mill merc stuff, but with a bit of a catch. Since they tend to be a bit more loose on who they go after, there's usually a bit more room for pocket change to be made during missions. Essentially, they get paid a little more for doing things in unusual ways. Things like making your bounty attempt to recreate Exogorth mating calls. Addressing your target as the opposite gender, and hitting on them. Completing a mission wearing only a mankini and helmet. Wildcard still hates that last one in particular. Basically, the group is there as a way to involve just characters, and get some mercenary type things going to have a bit of a non-serious plot going alongside the more serious type things.