[h3] Observatory [/h3] Christopher has never been a fan of the unknown, even worse was when there was something in front of him that was unknown to him but he couldn't figure it out what it was. This what seemed like a boat by the way that it moved and how the environment smelled seemed to be especially good for, having a lot of unknown. That was the case with that stupid book with such a weird name "The Reapers Lie". There were voices that appeared to be human on a different level of the floor but it didn't seem that anyone had responded to his knocking on the floor boards, so maybe they hadn't been human or even real voices at all but instead Christophers mind playing a trick on him. Maybe that's what all this was, just some crazy dream since he did have a pretty crazy night with those ladies. He thought maybe that he would just lay on the floor and wait for this dream to end and him to wake up in his comfortable bed. It didn't last long before he got tired of lying on the floor bleeding all over himself and his white dress shirt that he had worn out to the club before going unconscious. He decided to stand up and jump on the floor three times to indicate to the people below them that they were here. As he performing this action there had been a book that lay open next to his foot and each time that he stomped on the ground a few more specs of blood fell from his chin down onto the open book. Christopher hadn't looked down at the book that was there and it was a good thing because what was there might have frightened him quite well. After Christopher stomped on the ground he was going to have a round two with the book that he couldn't take off of his mind, but the book was not in the same condition before he had laid down. It looked like it popped open a bit like maybe he opened the binding that kept it closed. For the first time since he had been here a smile broke across of his face, he was about to solve the unknown about this book and examine its contents even if he recognized what it said or not. To his astonishment it wasn't a real book at all but it looked like a small safeguard for little items, when he looked inside he was completely floored. There had been a single pearl that was sitting there staring at him, it looked like it had been begging for him to take it. He didn't really mind what the others thought about the contents of this or if he even told them about it but it was his doing that had given up its hidden contents. Having appreciation for the finer details in things as much as he thought that the title of the book was stupid he now had seem the poetics in it now. Another thought entered his mind instantly after the first, hopefully it was purely poetic instead of symbolic. "The Reapers Lie" Hopefully they weren't truly dead and being kept prisoner by "The Reaper" as the "Lie" aspect was true as it wasn't truly a book but a secure place to the pearl. Christopher was now getting slightly annoyed with the cut on his forehead since it kept getting in his eye. There didn't seem to be anything that he could use around the room and he didn't really thing that parchment would be a benefit for him so he ripped off both of the sleeves on his shirt and wrapped one around his forehead. Even though it was white and would soon turn red given how steady the flow of blood had been, probably didn't help that he had worked himself up by demolishing the contents of the bookshelf and getting his heart rate higher pushing more blood around. Christopher had started to walk over to the rest of the group to discuss what there the best plan for them to do would be, whether it be to explore the rest of this small room or to try and find their way out while trying to locate where the voices had been coming from. Maybe they would have a few more answers then them. If anything else there might be more of a chance that someone else spoke English as well as he did, which seemed fairly likely given what little he could make out from through the floor boards. While making his way over he stepped on a book, he couldn't ignore the book since maybe it had something hidden in it also since it seemed pretty thick if he wasn't mistaken it seemed about as thick as "The Reapers Lie" when he bent down it on both of the open pages there had been pictures instead of words. It looked harmless like a picture book that you would show a child but without any captions or words to explain what the pictures showcased. When Christopher had looked down at the pages that the book had fell open to it looked like he had seen a dozen ghosts at once. This was something that had come from his past that only a handful of people knew about, the only ones were his parents, his siblings and himself. On the picture there was the most dark piece of Christopher whole life, he was standing at the feet of a deceased male impaled with a fire poker with his two siblings behind him with his arms spread out protectively. Looking at this image he knew it was about him since he could picture that moment in his mind vividly as it had just happened. He had collapsed to his knees but he couldn't put the book down, as he flipped the page he had seen another images from his past, when he flipped a few more times he could see himself walking through his apartment door with two women in his arms but they were only silhouettes but they hadn't been wearing what the image in this book portrayed, they had little horns and a tail like many woman had dressed up for Halloween. Like little devils. When he flipped the page once more there had been an image that he didn't remember happening in his mind at all. Like it hadn't happened yet, or happened after he had been with those ladies because he usually had an impeccable memory but this didn't ring any bells. When he turned the next page to see if anything else followed it every single page after it had been ripped from the binding of the book.