Roland finished speaking, assuming that he had shined some hope and brightness after he gave her the somewhat long speech of not giving up, but instead backfired. She looked up at him yelling that nothing will get better for her and began to discuss about the departure of her mother and why she had left. Roland didn’t know what to say or think because he hoped that he could of got through to her, but instead her arrogance and stubbornness began to make a comeback, and big time too. It started to come up and make sense of to why she acted the way she did, so Roland kept quiet in hopes that she would keep explaining why she had no hopes for herself so that he may know on what to do and how to in any way he could. As her next topic became of her father, he didn’t say a word and listened to what she said. Just then after, she decided to take off her sweater after bringing up about her dad becoming a drunk, and showing was a scrawny body that almost could resemble a corpse due to the lack of volume that was presented before Roland. He became totally surprised and confused when he saw this of an unexpected situation that was happening, and didn’t know what to think or even say for the matter. He also noticed the bruises and scars the came to sight as he wondered to why she had them in the first place, but quickly heard the answer to what made all of this possible as Avery told him that her dad beats her and keeps her around for his dirty work and everything else. After doing so, she but her sweater back on and made her way towards a corner, balling herself up. She finished by saying that those were the reasons that she never got close to anyone or made friends, and it basically answered all of Roland’s questions to Avery’s actions and personality. Roland couldn’t say a word due to the shock he was in, and even if he did he wouldn’t know how to approach her or help in any way because he never dealt with an abusive parent situation before. All he could do was think on how bad Avery’s life really is, and how could somebody do something like that to their own child. He knew he had problems of his own, and fixed them through time, but this was something completely different and out of the ordinary. He didn’t want to see her upset like she already was, but he didn’t know what to do either. [i]“I-I don’t….know what to…..t-to say”[/i] he replied as a sorrowful face had expressed his feelings for Avery’s situation at hand. Then, all of a sudden, the front door made a couple of knocks as someone was wanting inside of the house from the outside. Roland quickly turned his attention to the door, although he wanted to help Avery with her problem, he needed to answer the door. “One minute okay” he said as he started to quickly head to the front door to see who it was. When he opened it, Steven’s face had appeared with a great big smile on his face. [i]“Hey ya Roland, whatcha up to? Aw what does it matter right now I need to get in for a minute”[/i] said Steven. Roland had became surprised again because he didn’t expect Steven to be home already, or at least at a very bad time.[i][i] “Hey……….uh………wait one minute”[/i][/i] said Roland as he gently closed the door so that he didn’t slam it in Steven’s face. Roland then spotted Avery in the same spot and tried to get her to act casual because he knew if Steven spotted her and she told him about her story as well, knowing the big mouth that Steven had, things could get ugly. [i]“Hey Steven is here. He’s wanting to come in so we need to pretend we didn’t have this conversation till he leaves. And try not to tell him about what you just told me. Knowing him it might headline on the news or something.” [/i]