Hi! This will be the first time I'll ever do this. I actually posted an IC in Casual, but I think this will be more interesting with dice rolls. LOOKING FOR : Hopefully 2 female characters and 2 male characters, but I'd take at least 3 people. I'd just like there to be balance, but it doesn't have to be. PLOT : A group of people wakes up in the tenth and topmost floor of a "living" building. The only way out is at the ground floor, but to get past each floor, they must pool their skills to defeat, outsmart, or sneak past the sentries. HOW TO JOIN : Just post here, heck, even include a character outline. Be sure to include your character's profession/stat so the others can complement them. Don't post stuff you want to include later, but want to keep secret. Instead, message me about it! Also, I'm thinking the characters arrive with a backpack with supplies and things they'll need. So maybe include your backpack's contents! Please limit the contents to up to 6 items. Don't a fridge in your backpack. Feel free to put a parachute in there, as someone mentioned in my previous IC. I'm sure the building controller will have something for that. Or not. SYSTEM : For the system, I think a simple one will suffice, at least for this first run. Your character will have one specialization stat, chosen from these : Perception Intelligence Strength Speed I call this the PISS system... lol. Anyway, success checks will be determined by rolling a 1d6. 3 below fails, 4 above succeeds. If the situation depends on a particular stat (For example, deadlifting a cannon), if the character has a specialization for Strength, he gains +1 to his roll, so if he rolled 3, he has a +1, so he actually gets 4, and successfully deadlifts the freaking cannon. I understand there are other systems for what I want (RISUS, FATE) but I want this to not be constrictive. This is my first time doing this, and I want the system to be light, simple and fun. In addition, your character can have a profession, and we can determine, FATE style if it can help their roll (another +1). Notes : This is my first time doing something like this, so please bear with me. For this RP, I will play as the dungeon master, although this is not a tabletop RP (I'd love to learn how to convert this into that, but for now I'm just after some fun). I will post in random intervals, but I will post at least once a day. If I won't be able to post much, I'll make sure to leave something for the players to do. Each player will be able to post as much as they can to interact with each other before I post my / the building's reaction, as long as the players will control themselves with what they post. This means that they don't magically find an item. I will say if they do. For example : Player A states in his last post that his character rummages through rubble. In my post, I will try to include what items they find. I guess they can continue on with their character's action if it wouldn't disrupt the flow much, so the character is not frozen. I'm hoping for a fun, light, action-packed story. You don't have to rush it. Your characters will go hungry, though, and you'd have to find some food if you take too long. I'm still undecided with the time system, but we'll be able to work something out. So, I hope you people are interested! If enough people are interested, I'll start working on the building map. If I missed anything with the post, please do mention it!