Hello and welcome to my introduction, you may call me Butch. Now let's see... There's not a lot to know about me, I am a "young" adult living in central europe, have not been active in any RP's for a few yeas now (if you don't count videogames) and once ate a whole spoon of cinnamon. In my free time I like long walks on the beach (which we don't have here) and solving riddles and mysteries (like Sherlock Holmes - or Batman). I suppose I am here out of curiosity, but please don't take this as a sign of me quitting easily. Au contraire I finish what I started, much like this senten So yeah... This is me I suppose Signed with a keyboard Butch P.S: Maybe a little brainteaser for whoever is stumbling across this. [i]"I hide but my head is outside. What am I?"[/i]