[center][img]http://i58.tinypic.com/dbr5g6.jpg[/img][/center] Kenny ran down the steps to the second floor and stopped for a second to catch his breath as he was panting from all the running he had done. His face sweaty beneath the mask and had to take in big gulps of air to catch his breath while scanning the hallways, lucky none were around at the moment. Just one more floor to go, but considered that since he was alone that he had to be more cautious since he had no one to watch his back. Any mistake or hesitation would likely cost his life and couldn't just go rushing around like he had been doing. Waiting till his body had calmed down before moving to the next set of stairs to the first floor to see a group of zombies making their way slowly up the steps. Arms reaching forward as they fought to get over each other to get at him, though they were still only halfway up, too thick for him to run through. He looked around, thinking he could try and go to the other pair of steps but felt he had stayed in this school longer than he should of. It was then that an idea came to mind and ran over to a nearby trashcan which was mostly full and dragged it to the stairs before turning it to his side.*You fuckers ready for a strike?*He thought to himself, needing a good laugh before giving the can a push and watched it roll down the steps to smack into the foremost of the monsters and like a domino effect they fell over each other. Kenny quickly followed after, stopping short of the first of the growling corpses and glanced over the railings to see the lower set of stairs was open besides a single zombie which had fallen behind the others. Already some of the zombies were getting up, but he wasn't gonna stick around and wait around for them as he gripped the hammer firmly with his right hand. Bending his legs before hopping over the railings and just as the undead lifted his head to look up; met by the hammer smashing into its face and fell onto the steps, cushioning his landing with its body. With a lurch of his arm, pulled the hammer from its forehead and jumped down the last set of stairs with a grunt to see the hallway around him clear at the moment. He scanned the area to spot the cafeteria down the hall and thought taking the side exit would be safer than the main entrance where most of these things would likely be. Hitching up his backpack, started down the hallway, cautious of any stragglers when one suddenly burst out from a nearby bathroom. Nearly on him, about to get at his arm when kenny turned on the spot to slam his foot as hard as he could onto its knee and a faint crack could be heard as the zombie lost its footing and stumbled onto him, causing the two to fall. Kenny moved his arms over his face, claw part of the hammer facing upward shortly before reaching the ground, letting the zombie's face land on the hammer take itself out. Blood spilled down onto the mask as it reeked, causing him to gag even through the mask. Pushing the corpse off with a grunt then got up, wiping some of the blood from his mask to clear the eyeholes.*Oh yeah, Kenny on a roll.*Doing a quick whoop whoop as he had to admit what he just did was impressive, but that was enough celebrating and spun the hammer in his hand as he ran his way to the cafeteria, thinking that even alone he was faring pretty well. weapons: hammer, papercutter Hits used: 2/0 Hits left: 7/10