[@Ruki] She suddenly felt incredibly awkward and her mouth let out a babble of things to try to correct herself. "I mean-It's just-Normal means like not normal and-You're not supposed to be-I mean not to say you're-I... uh..." She blushed bright red and shook her head, squeezing her eyes shut. She took a deep breath to try to center herself. "I mean...." Exhale. "Cyborgels... are always so.... I don't know..." She scratched her cheek and looked away as she thought about it. "Stoic. I mean, some act friendly but their eyes always look so dead, like.... robotic and stuff. But when I look at you, I feel like you're something .... breathing, thinking... you know?" She'd be lying if she didn't think it was a bit creepy. Like watching a bunch of mannequins coming to life. [@Fairess] "Detecting latin." The pixie bot raised her hands in front of her and quickly began working, her brow furrowed as a holographic screen popped up from her eyes and she began working. "Translation for the soundwaves received in progress... Downloading... complete. Latin language detected; 'You could have had salvation. Now you will have fire.' English language detected; 'I am awake.'" Mareesa's eyes narrowed at the cyborgel. "Ugh, what an attitude." Her arms folded and her eyes stopped projecting their hologram. "You would think an 'angel' based program would be, you know, angelic?" She had let it slip that they were not based on 'demons' as Desium Corp had said. [@NuttsnBolts] In the background of where Lexie stood, Atemisk continued. "Indeed, our newest advancements in Cyborgel and Mechangel technology has led us to a prime solution; a combination of the two! With a more controlled personality, Our new MechaCyborgels will leave our job market free for owners while simultaneously promoting companionship and above all, obedience." On the stage, the MechaCyborgel twitched before raising its head. It appeared to be gasping for air. No air would fill their lungs. For now they had none. Its hands lifted, staring down at them. When did they become so cold...? When did... he feel so cold...? So many voices and scenes being captured by his infrared vision... Something hurt him... something.... When did it become so dark...? The press conference continued as the new MechaCyborgel stirred on stage, earning several 'ooohs' and 'aaahs' at the fluidity and grace at which it moved. He appeared to be completely human in his movements but with an excelling amount of grace that would break any ballerinas heart. "Amazing, isn't it?" Mery's voiced hissed in Lexies ear. "How under control they are now..." The demoness did not stand beside her though, leaving one to wonder where she could be. "Under our, control...." [@pure493][@ScarlettWaters16][@PaulHaynek] "Neither of us know him," Lee responded, turning to Razielle. She had been listening intently with here eyes burning into the Russians. She seemed quite tense. "But I do know he calls himself... Ethan. I can assist. Please tell me what to do." As she talked, she came to the bed and awaited instructions. "Yuri Volkova..." She began, sitting Ethan up. "What does your.... 'evidence,' say we are?" She held the word in her mouth like it was foreign, but she got the gist of what it must have meant. "What do YOU think we are?"