[@Caits] You said that im always welcome so i finally decided to join, if it's okay with others of course :) Name: Lucas Ryder Age: 16 Magic: Crash Magic. Crash Magic is what Gildarts Clive uses. It's less rare then god slayer magic and dragon slayer magic. Magic Level: B History: When he was 10 years old Lucas's dad snapped. He had killed Lucas's mother and when Lucas confronted him, he was scared. He tried to run, but his father cut him. From his right shoulder down to his bottom left hip, 2 inches deep and a constant reminder to never run from a fight. His father has been on the run and was a powerful mage. Lucas swears to kill him one day. Personality: Lucas is a cheerful person. He is always happy to others and puts his friends first and is constantly striving for 'S' rank. That's on the outside. inside he doesn't show to anyone, but hes constantly sad and has a massive guilt for not saving his mother. Team Members: None Three Strengths: (Not just combat) 1. Will do anything for people he cares about 2. Is smart when coming up with tactics 3. Great at boxing Three Weaknesses: (Make them Applicable) 1. Uncontrollable powers at times 2. Never runs from a fight 3. He's slim so not that much endurance. Greatest Love: How rare magic actually is Motivation: To become 'S' Rank. Appearance: [hider=Lucas][img]http://th09.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2011/043/9/4/dark_mage_commission_by_eudetenis-d39dkdd.jpg[/img][/hider] Additional Details: Let me know if this is okay :)