[color=f7941d][B]Name:[/b][/color] Seryn Drath [color=f7941d][B]Age:[/b][/color] 35 [color=f7941d][B]Gender:[/b][/color] Male [color=f7941d][B]Race:[/b][/color] Dunmer [color=f7941d][B]Physical Description:[/b][/color] [INDENT]About 1.78m (5'10'') tall, athleticly slim with the dark skin and red eyes which are typical for his race. He shaves his head, which leaves him bald and the tip of his right ear is missing. He rarely gets out of his armor and due to the cold conditions he wears a furry cloak.[/INDENT] [color=f7941d][B]Skillset:[/b][/color] [INDENT] [b]Expert Skills[/b] One Handed Light Armor [b]Adept Skills[/b] Archery Block [b]Novice Skills[/b] Destruction Sneak Smithing (Enough to take care of his equipement and craft a bow and arrows)[/INDENT] [color=f7941d][B]History:[/b][/color] [INDENT]Seryn was born on a farm near Whiterun as the second child of an already poor family. His father worked on the fields while his mother served several nobles in the town itself. He spent his childhood helping out his parents with their duties. He worked on the field, served noble ladies, chased chickens and cleaned the floor. After he finished helping he would play with his brother, often chasing him across Whiterun rarely catching him. He grew up already learning what a good day of hard, manual labour and a honest, loving family is worth. However when he got older and his childish ignorance and naivity wore off, he realized why his family was serving others, why no other children would play with him and his brother and why everyone seemed to look down on him. His mother called it the "unfortunate fate" of their kind, his father - a hard life, but one worth living. It didn't really matter for Seryn, it was not fair and he was angry about it. He started troubeling nobles, guards anyone who looked nord enough to be responsible for his fate. After an unfortunate encounter with a particularly witty nobel, who managed to aggravate Seryn enough to give up control over his already loose tongue, which lead to Seryn yelling, in front of the whole marketplace, about a fitting place for the jarl and the whole nobility of whiterun - one that rarely gets to see the sunlight, he got escorted into another place, for which the same could be said. After a few days in prison Seryn returned to his family. His father sat him down and started talking about the exodus of the dunmer, the generosity of the nords, he asked Seryn if their life was all that bad. Seryn, whilst still not completely agreeing, had however learned a lesson or two. He became stoic, calm - quiet. If he had learned something it was that he was better off keeping his mouth shut and that if he wanted to change anything about his life, he had to do it himself. His brother, not quite the troublemaker, agreed at least with the latter. When Seryn became 16 his father got sick and died shortly after. Seryn and his brother took over his work on the farms outside Whiteruns walls, but only half a year later - their mother followed her husband into the grave. The two boys, now left behind alone, realized there was no longer anything holding them in Whiterun. So they gathered every septim their family saved, each one took one half of their family "fortune", they hugged each other goodbye and left Whiterun in two parted ways. Seryn became a mercenary, he traveld all across Tamriel and managed to survive this line of work long enough to become good at it. He learned how to fight with sword, dagger, axe and bow. He even picked up a few "tricks" from several temporary companions. A spell or two, how to throw a knive and how to fight with two weapons at once. He has already been through several adventures, leaving him with a few battlescars. After one particular job, which lead to him loosing part of his ear, he decided it to be best to never leave his armor unless necessary. He therefor wears it quite naturally and knows how to use it effectively. Seryn very much considers himself a lone wolf, although he teamed up for jobs in the past. He barley speaks, says only what needs to be said, combined with the harsh looks of a dunmer he seems often cold. But despite all this he actually enjoys working with others and can still find a warm word or two. The fact that he barely speaks may keep others listening when he opens his mouth, however he has gotten pretty bad with words over the years.[/INDENT] [color=f7941d][B]Equipment:[/b] [/color] [list] [*] A sword made of nordic steel [*] 2 steel daggers [*] Scaled armor plus furry cloak [*] A backpack with a few clothes, a blanket, some bread and cheese. [*] A waterbottle [*] A small dwemer gear (a souvenir from an old job) [*] Some septims, just in case [/list] [color=f7941d][B]Known Spells:[/b] [/color] [list] [*] Spark [*] Magelight [/list] [color=f7941d][B]Party Control:[/b] [/color] Yes