[quote=@Kakashi Hatake] Hey guys getting caught up and gonna post today. Iv been feeling a tad ill the passing days. Dont worry im still here. [/quote] *Holds off on the DEAD button* [quote=@Happy Go Lucky] Hey! I'm thinking about joining! I'l edit this post with an app when I can! I'l be a more realistic character... xD Name: Johnathan Mckenna Gender: Male Age:20 Appearance: Standing at a 6 foot 1 inch tall height, Johnathan is a Caucasian, blue eyed chubby physiqued male who wears a set of glasses and supports very dark brown short hair and a soul patch beard. His clothing consists of a long sleeve black t-shirt, a dark blue hoodie for his upper body while wearing a black belt, which keeps his dark jeans tied to him and a set of high rock black punk boots. Has a duffle bag tied around his shoulder to hold his items. Medical Ailments: Low muscle tone Depression Nationality: Irish Occupation: Unemployed Four Week History: Still alive... Still alive?! No... No, this can't be happening... They're flooding the world, I've survived these last weeks without dying but... it won't last. I'l die eventually... But i'm too scared to kill myself...! I don't want to get... eaten like that! Why won't I let myself die? Before the outbreak, I was your average person, I tried my best in school, did all I could to succeed, and failed, I crashed and burned and was left to rot from the corruption of this pathetic government that shackles us. Living off of scraps and bare bones "benefits". What else could I do? Kill myself? When the infected first showed up, these shamblers taking the stage completely fucked the system into the ground and ruined everything... I didn't think life could get any worse... but here we are. I don't know why i'm alive. I just moved with my family, got what items we would need to survive and headed to Dulles. did you expect a grand backstory? i'm just a fucking worthless piece of shit. I'm not interesting at all. I was just a damn tourist, so I had to rely on others to lead us the way... Me, my brother and my father. We reached dulles, but due to the chaos, we left... things were becoming too hectic there, too crazed. We looked for a safer place... But it only separated me away from my family. A mass of infected, and all I could do, the ugly little coward was run, bawling in tears and flailing as I escaped them... How the hell do I live? i'm scared, and alone... And with the infected coming closer and closer, having only been a week since Dulles... There's no doubt now. Soon, I am probably going to die. Items of Interest: 2 two litre bottles of water. 6 pack of canned beans, unopened picture of family notebook dairy Knives Weapons: Basic supply of kitchen knives Hurley Stick [/quote] Accepted, chuck him in the character tab. [@OoTrillionoO][@whiteprophet][@SgtEasy] The AFK deadline is fast approaching. Post or die, people!