Adam knew that they were in trouble even before Fenrir spoke to them and decided to take the Wolfman's criticism with a very calm demeanor. Warpath's knowledge of philosophy and warfare told him that he had gone a little overboard with winning. Almost every military genius knew when to retreat and cut their loses, but he had wanted to win very badly to the point where he became reckless. Warpath didn't expect Poltergeist to go too far with his attack, and Stalwart was unable to break free of Quantum's gravity, which was too bad since he had hoped the hero was up to the task, but it looked like he was out of the Outsiders. It seemed Stalwart so far was the only member that seemed to like him. They had gotten some new members, which was good since some new recruits could bring something interesting to the table. Ashley Hendrick was one who had great potential and he wanted to help her if she would be fine with it. He himself had been pushing himself even harder than ever when the training session had gone bad, he was focusing on increasing both his energy, mental and phsycal capabilities as much as possible, he was trained by the military and knew better than to question about having limitations. After a few weeks Fenrir had informed them that they would be going on a mission to combat the infamous League of Shadows, an organization known for horrible acts of terrorism. Before joining the outsiders Warpath had a couple of violent encounters with the league and they were incredibly formidable. What bothered Adam the most was Fenrir seemingly brushing off their questions about the mission, he never liked going in blindly on a mission. Regardless he wasn't going to question his leader's words about times having changed even though Adam had read enough history to know that words like those could have dark meanings behind them. When he heard Fenrir ask if they had anymore questions Warpath remained silent and rolled his eyes when Twilight opened her mouth. He would never let her become his superior she would rub it in his face and no leader should have those qualities. Warpath hoped that he would get a chance to do some hand to hand combat during this mission since he hadn't really gotten a chance to yet. He was a master of over a hundred different martial arts.