Alex didnt want to awaken and stayed asleep until his shoulder was shook. Alex slowly awakened squinting. He had a chance of avoiding the pains of life, now taken away. Whatever coma like state he had was gone now and he had to deal with real life. Oh well. Their were much worse ways of being woken up. He placed his hands on the ground and forced himself to stand up. He realized he fell asleep. Idiot. Stupid. Pathetic. He couldnt manage to stay awake. Humans are so ridiculous. Alex noticed that the forest was quite. "Morning." He didnt say very pleasantly. Mornings were the worst part of the day to him. Alex peered outside the cave. The silence was welcomed by Alex. He had always had problems with noise and it seemed peaceful. "...We should probably see what is making it so quite." He loved the quietness about what caused it, it was a nirvana of a sort with the lack of noise. But it was unusual. Alex dusted himself off and picked up his hat that had fallen off of his head during sleep. He didnt really wait for anything when he placed a foot outside of the cave. There was not that much visibility but no animals noises were in the area noticeable.