Moss jolted at the sounds and sight of the side-wings extending out. She scurried over to the railing, looking down at them with skeptical fascination. That wasn't where sails went, boats didn't have bloody wings, and they sure as hell didn't have trees in them either. Part of her wanted to hop down onto them and see what sort of bits they were attached to, but then something else caught her attention. The sky was furious, she'd never seen clouds like those that had begun to rage above them. The deck and in fact the whole ship was rocking, their great vessel at the mercy of the waves and the gales. This was going to get very bad very fast if they didn't get a grip on this ship. Before she could move to the odd girl and the priest-looking guy, a sudden, panicked voice nearly jumped her out of her skin. --"Hey, is anyone there? There is something down here. Get us out of here!"-- Well, at least whoever that was seemed to be on the same level as everyone else. She made her way back to the speaker, giving it a tap before leaning in close. The metal gave her lips a static tinge at first, but she ignored it. "Aye, I hear ya," she said back. "Just sit uh...sit tight, where are ya?"