Domini was the first to break the silence, perhaps an outlet for nerves. As far as her record was concerned she was technically proficient, but she had never dealt with anything as momentous as what the Outsiders were about to undertake. Too Fenrir's knowledge this would be her first time dealing with anything more serious than purse snatching or muggings. He needed every hand on deck for this battle, otherwise he may have left the new blood behind. [color=lightsteelblue]"I have dealt with the League before."[/color] He replied cagily. That was long before the Outsiders had been formed though, while he was still with Young Justice in fact. The only other person here to have dealt with the Shadow's was Warpath. He was a shade embarrassed to admit that the team had never dealt with a situation of this gravity, other than their battle with the Royal Flush Gang. Unfortunately Thorn held no such restrictions, revealing to the newcomers the teams decided lack of experience. He then went on to ask what the team would be running into, another question that Fenrir had no answers for. He hesitated for a moment, before revealing his ignorance. [color=lightsteelblue]"I don't know. Reports indicate each assassin is a well trained combatant, though they utilize stealth and distraction as much as they do brute force. They prefer archaic weaponry to conventional firearms, though aren't opposed to using guns if the situation warrants it. When I dealt with them they poisoned their weaponry, but whether that is a common practice or one they employed to negate my healing factor, I cannot say. No one is sure of their numbers. They are lead by a man named Ra's Al Ghul, a persistent foe of Batman's, said to be centuries old and one of the most deadly martial artists on the planet. Guarding him are the Seven Men of Death, seven assassins of nigh un-matched skills. Merlyn the Archer is said to lead them now."[/color] He paused uncomfortably before adding [color=lightsteelblue]"And I have reason to believe they have meta-humans amongst their ranks."[/color] [i]"Nanda Parbat? Didn't a bunch of capes train there? Like Q and Crimson Avenger? How'd the League of Assholes get it?"[/i] Twilight had been quiet since the training mission. Mulling over her supposed failings perhaps. The outcome had been that she'd thrown herself into her training with an incredible gusto, her focus and determination really something to behold. Tonight would be the proof of how useful it had been. [color=lightsteelblue]"The current Q hasn't trained anywhere,"[/color] Grunted Fenrir. The latest Question, Charles Ditko, was Fenrir's apprentice on Young Justice. Fenrir had recruited him after becoming aware of the boys prodigious detective talents. It had been Question who had located the location of Nanda Parbat for him. Magnus could have asked someone who had been their in the past, like Batman, but that would have revealed his intentions and he was trying to keep this mission from the Justice League. [color=lightsteelblue]"And they got it the same way they get everything else. With strength, cunning and deception."[/color] The Cruiser was deep in the Himalaya's now, lost amongst the sharp peaks. Fenrir's kept the VTOL close to the ground, all the better to avoid any radar detection. The League of Shadows may have a preference for swords and arrows, but that didn't make them stupid. They began to climb steadily to clear the next range. No sooner had they done that than they were subjected to a [url=]scene[/url] of exquisite beauty and wonder. Nanda Parbat seemed to be a place time had forgotten, leaping straight from the pages of eastern story books where magic still ruled and man was yet to pollute the world with the skill he did now. [color=lightsteelblue]"If anyone has any last questions, now is the time."[/color] Called Fenrir, trying and failing to keep the amazement from his voice.