Cuttlam turned when Ceres asked if they could get closer, and after an instant where he stood frozen in confusion and amusement, he shook his head. "It's not just a name, you know." he offered in response. "That ship is a literal powder keg. If we get any closer without first putting several large holes in the hull below the waterline, its captain is liable to blow it up just to spite us." he figured he would explain, since his first mate obviously wasn't familiar with the people they were looking for. "And we're not here to loot the ship anyway. We're here to convince their gunnery captain that I'm still alive." he added with a shrug. "Hard to do that if he's blown up." The warlord then considered a comment that the woman had made. He chuckled at the idea and shrugged again. "I have to be honest, I don't think I've ever tried getting him to eat the cannon balls and spit them back out..." he admitted. "I wonder if it could spit them out fast enough to kill someone..." he was tempted to give it a try the next time they attacked a ship. He didn't think it was possible, but at the same time, he did have magical powers that allowed a daemonic canine creature's head and infinitely long neck, to explode from any given limb or orifice. He didn't see why the thing wouldn't be able to manage to spit out a cannonball at the same velocity it was fired from a gun at. The experiment would have to wait, however, as he was not about to let such things distract him from his goal. Their ship was moving nicely once more, and the cannons appeared to be loaded. He was very pleased to watch the gunnery captain running his own battery for once, and the pirate left the gunners alone to do their thing, hoping they'd manage to put a hole right in the bow of the [i]Powder Keg[/i]. That would be a glorious moment, watching the ship drown its own magazine with its lust for destruction. Then they could easily board the sinking vessel, take the one thing they needed, and depart for greater things...