Name: Steven Age: 28 years old Gender: male Race: Human Powers: Strong willed and is loyal to all of his friends. Has a big heavy-duty tower shield (Indestructible even by magic) and a long sword enchanted with strange magic. The tower shield can retract into a smaller shield/Flare gun. The tower shield can't be destroyed but his sword can. Description: In heavy Dragon scale armor this man is scared of nothing (Himself killing his friends). This man favors taking all the hits for his friends as possible and protecting his friends at the same time. On the tower shield is a dragon holding a sword in one claw and a scroll in the other looking up. Will fight anything to protect his friends (He doesn't always wins.) Bio: “Friend through the end" Is the words he lives by. Hanging around his friend he is usually the first one in battle. And pushing back the forces almost likes a one-man army.