[center][h3]Profiles[/h3] (Picture Here) Name Age Personality Bio Ability Familiar (Optional) Status (Student, Prefect, Provisional) Specialty (I.E. Potion Making, Taming, Healing etc.) What Does Magic Mean To You (This Will Indicate Your Judgment If You Are Provisional) Buddy (Write N/A If You Don't Have One) [h3]Positions[/h3] [b]Prefects[/b] Elarinasa Mormont Raulf [b]Students[/b] Alice Jacque Marrow Otonoshi no Seimei Michael Greter [b]Provisionals[/b] Katherine Hartwell Crimson Knife Boys 4/4 Girls 4/4[/center] [center][h3]Pairings[/h3] [b]Note I put everyones name in a randomizer and it is not normal b/g pairing it is just the sake of having a buddy.[/b] Alice/Elarinasa Michael/Katherine Otonoshi/Raulf Jacque/Crimson [b][color=ed1c24]If you have any problems or concerns please come talk to me.[/color][/b][/center]