Once Avery heard and understood the situation and making a decision to hide in the bathroom, Roland proceeded back to the front door so that he could let Steven inside. When he opened the door once again, Steven’s faced developed an angry confused look as if he wanted to just yell at Roland really loud, but he hoped that Steven wouldn’t. [i]“Sorry…..very sorry about that Steven.”[/i] said Roland. [i]“You can come on in now.”[/i] Once they entered and made way into the main room, Steven began to look around and notice on their small coffee table that their was someone’s plate laying there, and he began to wonder as to what was going on with Roland. [i]“You just got finished eating or something?”[/i] said Steven as he started wondering around the main room trying to look for something. [i][i]“Uh….yeah.”[/i][/i] replied Roland [i]“Sure did…..and it was pretty good too. There is some more if you want some.”[/i] Steven continued around the room and then popped a question to Roland. [i]“Say you got any clue on where I had my wallet last?”[/i] Roland knew that Steven couldn’t keep up his things very well, but knowing that having your wallet at all times was important, just made him look either careless or idiotic. [i][i]“Nope.”[/i][/i] replied Roland. [i]“You know, it could be in your room. Really, why would you leave it in here?”[/i] said Roland following up to his neglect on the whereabouts of Steven’s belonging. [i][i]“Oh wait, I think I left it in the bathroom when I showered last night.”[/i][/i] said Steven as he began to make his way to the bathroom. Roland now became very hasty and suspicious acting as he tried to stop him from going in the bathroom due to the fact that Avery was in there. [i]“Wait a minute Steven, let me use it real quick ok?”[/i] Steven became confused yet knew for some reason that Roland seemed to be hiding something. [i]“Why are you acting like that Roland? (Sighs) I don’t have time for this man so watch out!”[/i] Steven shoved Roland out of the way and tried to open the door to find out it was locked. [i]"What in the....."[/i] said Steven as he now continued to shake the doorknob that lead into the bathroom, unknowing of who was in there.