Marian couldn’t help but nod at his response about ‘annoying fathers’. Ever sense she got walked home by Robin Hood (probably the safest she had ever felt in a long time walking the streets of New York City) her father was hounding her for information. Asking her same questions over and over again, most likely attempting to get her to ‘slip up’ and tell him something he didn’t already know. He would even go as far as to reward the questions countless times to see if she would respond differently. Finally she had to yell at him, ‘Dad! It doesn’t matter how many times you ask me, it doesn’t change my story and don’t try to ask me different questions with the same meaning. I work with lawyers; they do that every day to everyone. Please don’t do that to me.’ With that, he finally dropped it… for now. It wasn’t until he said that Edward’s father was already getting on his case about the Robin Hood situation, this made her eyebrows rose in surprise. Sure, Mister Taylor was aggressive about the situation but she didn’t realize he would be that intense about it. Though, her eyebrows dropped when she realized that it was now ‘his money’ that was the problem. Which turns it into a top priority, “Truth huh?” She repeated with a hint of surprise to her voice. “Well…” Her head tilted, her blue eyes scanning his face as she heard the bartender make her yet another drink. “Why did you take the case?” Sure she could understand that ‘money’ could be the answer and a legitimate one non-the-less but you can’t blame her for asking.