"Scatter!" Jaza dived for cover as a hail of arrows thudded into the ground where they once stood. The party scattered to the winds as the bandits charged, while she drew an arrow and got her bow ready for combat. As Reesh charged ahead, she stood from her cover behind a broken stone wall and loosed an arrow that flew ahead of him and buried itself in the neck of a bandit that ran to meet him head on, then she ducked back down as the melee erupted spins her, it's fervor unmatched in her years of hunting. With arrows still in her quiver, she cut a wide berth around the fracas, obviously not intending to dive straight into the combat. All she had was leather armour and a bow and two knives, much less equipped than the rest of her companions. With that in mind, she threaded her way through what used to be Helgen, finding her way around the fighting to get behind and above their aggressors. With the sounds of the fighting slowly moving beside, then behind her, she made a quick turn into what she knew was going to be the rear of the fighting. She didn't know what was going to greet her, probably some angry bandit archers, but she had her weapons and her knowhow. Round the final corner and she stood nearly face to face with two archers, firing willy-nilly into the melee. About to dispatch them with her arrows, Jaza was startled by a Dunmer suddenly appearing from above, engaging the two in a cruel deathmatch that ended with the two face down in the dirt, their life slowly spilling out of numerous slashes in their bodies. She guessed that the new face was an agent of the Collector, and as she flashed her contract with wax sign, he returned the gesture. Great, another companion, one with capabilities similar to hers. She watched as he took a bow and a few arrows from one of the corpses, then she put a finger to her lips to keep him quiet. With the same finger she pointed upwards to the house where the Dunmer had probably leaped from, then she mimed drawing her bow and firing arrows down onto the melee from above. A cunning plan, of course she and her fellow bowman now had to keep their element of surprise all the way until iron-tipped death rained down their adversaries. Without watching to see if he followed, Jaza slung her bow across her chest and began the climb up, easily finding hand and foot holds in the stones and broken wooden beams that brought her up to the sturdier cross beams that made up the roof of the structure. These hadn't burned and collapsed even though the thatched roof had, and they made an excellent perch from which she could see the entire fight. As she creeped into position, she caught sight of her fellow Argonian Reesh copping a huge hit, and then another from the huge hulk of a man that was the bandit leader. He was dazed and cornered, which made her mad. Without thinking she drew three more arrows from her quiver and nocked the first one, keeping the other two gripped firmly in her draw hand. Jaza took aim at the big lug, specifically at the back of his thick head, not exactly the easiest of targets in a melee, and fired. Not slowing, she re-gripped her second arrow in one smooth motion, pulled back and let that fly, before repeating the same practiced motions with her third, sending three rapid fire arrows heading straight for her big fat target. After the battle was over, she'd recollect whatever arrows she'd lost. No sweat. Right now, the action had barely even stopped, without time for her to introduce herself to her compatriots. She knew the risks. Fight first, talk later. Jaza knew that much.