Kali was very thankful that Liesl and Dr.long showed up when they did. The bush wouldn't have blocked that attack at all, and Kali knew Sev would be depleted of energy if he was hit. Sev chucked at the doctor's joke, "Lets call this Lesson One: Teamwork." He poked his head up then quickly back down. Kali looked as well, trying to be useful to the situation. [i]What kind of king will you be?[/i] The question bounced around her head still, but suddenly it hit her. Sev looked down at the book which was glowing brightly then at Kali. "...What did you do?" Kali grinned psychotically "I know what kind of king I'll be. I will be strong, Unstoppable! I will truly become the Demoness of the Void." She spoke calmly, so calm actually Sev shuttered a bit. "Doc, any ideas how to deal with them? I think we have a new spell, but I'm not sure what it does."