[quote=@Red_massa] Mistake post [/quote] Good job ;p [quote=@Bunnita] [i][/i] Ikr?! It's like 'someone' had taken the Epicdom Mokley response IC-ly and utilized it up in OOC, right? It's like 'someone' is showing off their 'snippet quote skillz' to prove to a GM that ooooooohhhhh... Idk... perhaps this 'someone' is showing off the right skills to be a... [h3][@Red_massa] the CO-GM supreme with cheeze!!![/h3] ;P Naw, much lurvs to muh Reds~~<3!! Nice nuff to pats muh bunny brains and gives me a pillow case home of muh own and OH! Making a sexay shirt bout killing sexay MEEE!!! Yays! K, but like serious-serious for really reals I'll post up after AIRH's post^^ Oh and btw... I keep spinning muh ex-girlfriend. She keeps stopping so I punt her again and again to spin her round and round. Sooooo... like I forgets... if she stops spinning, does that mean we're in the really real world... or should I just punts her again cuz I dint understands Inception till muh friend explained the whooooole thing by pausing the movie every 10 seconds! and explaining erryting to meee! [/quote] Charming as always, BunBun BunBun~~ Inception was weird not sure you should keep spinning people. Poor things are fragile and break when they fall. Tsk tsk. But I digress~ You're up little miss cottontail. ;)