It was interesting to hear so much honesty from Robert, especially when she was scanning his face for a sign of a lie. She didn’t see any though. So she could take what he had to say at face value. Her head jerked back in surprise when he pointed out, yet again, that he was a jerk to her. It was still surprising to hear but at the same time, it was good to know he regretted it. Maybe she had been too hard on him to begin with and he really has changed his ways. A smile moved gently across her face and instead of taking the martini glass, she reached over and placed her hand gently on his forearm with a soft smile. “You’re not the only person who feels like he’s not all bad. But theft is wrong no matter who it’s from; hopefully he’ll just get his point across of ‘the rich need to give more to the poor’ and he can retire away before you catch him. I’m not saying ‘don’t do your job’ but I will say that if happen to not come up with much, I doubt that Mister Taylor would be able to argue with you about it.” Yes, she was encouraging him to hold back on his findings and hopefully the rest of the higher end community would see the point that Robin Hood was making. Just a sprinkle of encouragement, nothing too incriminating; just a dash of an idea. With that she leaned back into her chair letting go of his arm and picking up her martini glass, draping her free arm over the back of the chair she gave him a smile. “I’ll pick dare.”