[center][img]http://imagizer.imageshack.com/img673/3682/ID3hAz.png[/img] [b][i]Karn Fiore || Magnolia || Phoenix Wing Guild Interacting: Trinity, Nolan[/i][/b][/center] Karn chuckled a little at Trinity's concern, waving a gloved hand a little. [color=lime]"Well I know. Maybe I'll stay in a room here from time to time if it gets too cold. But I like the outdoors, and Mythy seems to prefer it as well."[/color] he chuckled before blinking a little curiously at the mention of a job. Grinning a little as he hummed a soft tune thoughtfully he nodded his head eagerly. He was pretty eager to go on his first job. Of course, there was several that he was interested in, but his number one is one of the more rewarding, and difficult sounding one. Simply because it sounded pretty dire, he didn't really care for the reward, but he was worried for the people. [color=lime]"Well I was thinking of going on the 'Nobody cares for the poor' job. I was going to ask Mythy, Zero-kun and Zenny if they wanted to come. It be good to have you as well though!"[/color] he chirped cheerfully as he stood and skipped over to the job board, looking over the one he wanted before taking the piece of parchment then looking to see a stranger come into the Guild and tapping at the counter. Curiously, the feminine blonde bounced over and smiled brightly. [color=lime]"Hey there! I haven't seen you before! My name is Karn it's nice to meet you!"[/color] he chirped cheerfully.